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A motion was made by Alderman Gist, seconded by Alderman Seils that this resolution be approved. <br />A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE SCHOOLS ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES <br />TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (SAPFOTAC) 2018 REPORT <br />WHEREAS, the Town has had a longstanding interest in the success and excellence of the Chapel Hill – <br />Carrboro City Schools; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town has participated in the development and implementation of the schools adequate <br />public facilities ordinance provisions since 2003; and <br />WHEREAS, the annual technical advisory committee report has been prepared and distributed for <br />review. <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Carrboro accepts <br />the report. <br />This the 3rd day of April in the year 2018. <br />The motion carried by the following vote: <br />Aye: Alderman Foushee, Alderman Slade, Alderman Haven-O'Donnell, Alderman Seils, <br />Alderman Gist, Alderman Chaney and Mayor Lavelle <br />Attachment 1 4