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14 <br /> <br />Chair Dorosin said these numbers highlight how contracted companies do this so 1 <br />cheaply: there is no living wage, no benefits, and overworked staff. He said this gets to the 2 <br />question of values. He referred to the OCS groundskeepers being contracted out, but asked if 3 <br />nutrition services are in-house employees. 4 <br />Todd Wirt said groundskeepers are contracted at 7 elementary schools, and custodial 5 <br />services are contracted in various amounts at 9 of the OCS schools. He said to move to the 6 <br />living wage would be an additional $300,000 and to bring all custodial services in house would 7 <br />be just over $500,000. 8 <br />Chair Dorosin said the BOCC has all these numbers, and should be able to have a 9 <br />policy conversation in collaboration with the schools, or create a committee to look at the topic. 10 <br />Todd LoFrese said the numbers presented reflect the cost for evening services, and all 11 <br />CHCCS have a head custodian during the day, which is a district employee. 12 <br />Commissioner Price said she would be interested in knowing who these contracted 13 <br />companies are, because if they are local, she would not want to put them out of business 14 <br />because of a policy decision; and would like to gather information. 15 <br />Margaret Samuels said it is important to also look at childcare providers who also 16 <br />receive lower pay, especially if universal pre-K is going to be considered. 17 <br />Dr. Wirt asked if this committee and discussion would be a part of this budget process. 18 <br />Chair Dorosin said probably not for this process, due to the timing, but it is frustrating 19 <br />talking about the same things over and over without a resolution. 20 <br />Commissioner Rich asked if a committee was to meet, could it look at phasing in this to 21 <br />bring custodians in house, if the funding is not available at one time. 22 <br />Chair Dasi said if a committee was to meet it would be helpful to include other issues 23 <br />that are critical such as benefits for teachers (dental, maternity leave, etc). She said any policy 24 <br />that directs how the schools spend money should consider all needs/wants. 25 <br />Steve Halkiotis said custodians were contracted out several years ago, to the applause 26 <br />of many, in order to cut costs, and if it comes down to bringing custodians in house or feeding 27 <br />children through the universal breakfast program, he will vote for feeding children. He said 28 <br />benefit plans are being changed in July for state employees, and it is unclear how this will affect 29 <br />things, but he thinks decisions like these should be at the discretion of the school boards. 30 <br />Chair Dorosin said the BOCC changes and priorities change, and he does not expect 31 <br />having to pit hungry children against custodial employees. 32 <br />Commissioner Jacobs said he agrees with Margaret Samuels and Rani Dasi, and if 33 <br />there is going to be a committee, it should bring forth the highest priorities for review. He said 34 <br />there are different policies for the BOCC and the Boards of Education, and he would hope that 35 <br />a collective decision could be made about the highest priority, instead of going around in 36 <br />circles. 37 <br />Commissioner Jacobs said he would like to request an educational item for the next 38 <br />meeting to look at how many schools have been built, what they cost, how it effected the tax 39 <br />rate and capital funding for renovations of existing schools, and the per pupil rate. He said per 40 <br />pupil is a huge investment, and the BOCC is pouring money into educating the children of 41 <br />Orange County, and state funding is always being cut. He said it would be nice to see how far 42 <br />the County has come in the last 20 years. 43 <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said he would be useful to see numbers related to some of 44 <br />the other needs mentioned this evening, such as dental care, living wage, and the universal 45 <br />breakfast plan, prior to convening a group. He said he would like to take a running shot at 46 <br />tackling these issues this year, basing it on the numbers and the program costs that are already 47 <br />known. 48