Orange County NC Website
Article 6: Development Standards <br /> Section 6.12: Signs <br /> <br /> <br />Orange County, North Carolina – Unified Development Ordinance Page 6-82 <br /> <br />(10) No person may, for the purpose of increasing or enhancing the visibility of any <br />off-premises commercial sign, damage, trim, destroy, or remove any trees, <br />shrubs, or other vegetation in the following locations: <br />(a) Within the right-of-way of any public street or road, unless the work is <br />done pursuant to the express written authorization of the North Carolina <br />Department of Transportation; <br />(b) On property that is not under the ownership or control of the person <br />responsible for such work, unless the work is done pursuant to the <br />express authorization of the property owner where the vegetation is <br />located; and, <br />(c) In any area where such vegetation is required to remain under a permit <br />issued in accordance with this Ordinance. <br />(C)(D) Wall Signs <br />(1) Shall either be mounted or painted on a building. <br />(2) Wall signs may be internally illuminated and shall comply with all applicable state <br />and county building codes and the National Electric Code. <br />(3) Wall Signs shall be permitted within the following zoning districts: LC-1, NC-2, <br />CC-3, GC-4, EC-5, O/RM, EI, I-1, I-2, I-3, AS, MPD-CZ, ASE-CZ, REDA-CZ-1 <br />and all of the Economic Development zoning districts. <br />(4) All wall signs shall be offset a minimum of ten feet from the corner of the building <br />on which it is mounted. <br />(5) Wall signs shall not protrude more than 12 inches from the face of building on <br />which it is mounted. <br />(6) Number of Signs Permitted <br />(a) Only one wall sign shall be permitted per building facade. In cases <br />where a building is located on a corner lot, an additional wall sign may be <br />permitted on the building wall facing the second street right-of-way, <br />subject to the requirements of this Ordinance. <br />(b) For multi-tenant buildings permitted as a conditional use or conditional <br />zoning district additional wall signs may be permitted by the Board of <br />County Commissioners. <br />(7) The allowable sign area shall be determined as follows: <br />One square foot of sign area for every foot of building length facing a public right- <br />of-way, not to exceed 32 square feet. For parcels zoned CC-3, GC-4, O/RM, I-2, <br />I-3, AS, EDB-2, EDE-2, EDH-4, EDH-5, and MPD-CZ signage shall not exceed <br />64 square feet in area for parcels that: <br />(a) Are larger than 60,000 square feet in area, and <br />(b) Contain a structure with more than 100 linear feet of building length <br />facing a public right-of-way, and <br />(c) Have more than 300 feet of linear frontage along a NC Department of <br />Transportation (NC DOT) maintained roadway. <br />(8) A changeable copy sign may be utilized as a wall sign. <br />(9) Wall signs shall not extend above the soffit, parapet, or eave line of the building <br />to which it is attached. <br />(D)(E) Projecting Signs <br />(1) Projecting signs shall be mounted on a building. <br />35