Orange County NC Website
72 <br />NPS Form 10.900 -a <br />1024 -0018 <br />(8.88) <br />United States Department of the Interior <br />National Park Service <br />National Register of Historic Places <br />Gontinuation Sheet <br />Occoneechee Speedway <br />Orange County, N.C. <br />Section number 10 Page 24 <br />Verbal Boundary Description <br />OMB Approval No. <br />The boundary for Occoneechee Speedway is indicated with a black solid line on the accompanying Orange <br />County GIS tax map drawn at a scale of 1 inch = 2,400 inches (200 feet). The nominated 41.98 -acre parcel is <br />a portion of a 193.03 -acre tract ( #4.37.C.11) owned by Classical American Homes Preservation Trust. <br />Boundary Justification <br />The boundary includes the oval racetrack, buildings, roads, dirt banking, culverts, fence and designed <br />landscape features (such as the plateau containing the track and hillside west of the track that held spectators) <br />originally associated with Occoneechee Speedway. These elements contribute to the property's significance <br />as an eligible site. As a whole, the property retains integrity of setting, materials, workmanship, location, <br />design, feeling and association. The boundaries also include an overgrown area that originally served as a <br />parking lot for spectators. This roughly rectangular portion of the property is west of the track and the <br />concentration of buildings. It is contained in the nominated area because it is wedged between the entrance <br />and exit roads which are an integral part of the overall site. <br />