Orange County NC Website
52 <br />NPS Form 10.900•a <br />OMB Approval No. 1024 -0018 <br />(8.86) <br />United States Department of the Interior <br />National Park Service <br />National Register of Historic Places <br />Continuation Sheet <br />Occoneechee Speedway <br />Orange County, N.C. <br />Section number 7 Page 4 <br />culverts helped prevent standing water in the infield. Each galvanized steel drainage pipe <br />measures approximately eighteen inches in circumference and remains free of rust. <br />The 0.9 -mile hard - packed dirt racetrack the centerpiece of the Occoneechee Speedway. <br />Historically, the dirt track was clear of any vegetation and there was never fixed curbing <br />separating the track from the infield. Photographs from the early 1950s show that the infield was <br />grass and that a metal chain -link type fence, oval in shape, enclosed about half of the infield. The <br />track's original width varied from forty -five to fifty feet and wider along the pit, which was <br />attached to the inner western straightaway. <br />Today, while trees encroach on portions of the east straightaway and northeast and northwest <br />turns, the oval is discernable from the air and on the ground. The width of the track varies from <br />approximately five feet in portions of the northern section to as wide as forty feet on the <br />southwest corner. The overgrowth around the track and in the former infield consists of young <br />trees, mostly pines and cedars, briars and bushes. <br />B. Lightpost <br />Ca. 1958 <br />Noncontributing Structure <br />Orange County school officials installed the lightpost around the time it began leasing the track <br />from Bill France Sr. for local high school sports events. The structure stands near the northwest <br />corner of the track. Spotlights set in rows rest atop the tall wooden post. There is evidence of <br />other lightposts, but this is the only one that remains standing. <br />C. Grandstand <br />Ca. 1958 <br />Noncontributing Structure <br />The concrete grandstand measures 208 feet in length, forty -four feet wide and approximately <br />18.6 feet in height. The structure was built into a steep hill just west of the track facing the Eno <br />River. Although race fans used the grandstand, this permanent seating was installed when the <br />county began using the property for sporting events. <br />