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C. December meeting schedule ` <br />Moon reminded that the December meeting is usually cancelled as it falls on a holiday, <br />everyone agreed to cancel. <br />AGENDA ITEM # 6: ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION <br />a. Activities for County's 250th Celebration <br />Moon recalled the group's previous suggestions for the 250th Celebration. One idea was <br />to put together a brochure describing the HPC and it's functions, another was to prepare <br />a driving tour. Moon asked the group to think about a series or cluster of interesting <br />houses within a neighborhood that might make a driving loop. Conner suggested that the <br />HPC divide the county into sections and that each member take a section to research. <br />The results of the research could be mapped. Moon added that staff could take that <br />information and come up with a brochure. Stancil suggested that a planning committee <br />meeting. regarding the 250th Celebration is forthcoming and that a HPC liaison would be <br />advisable. Official date September 9, 2002. Once the BOCC has authorized the <br />planning committee and funding more information will be forthcoming. <br />b. Heritage /Scenic Corridor Program <br />Stancil noted that St. Mary's Road would serve as a good starting point for the <br />Heritage /Scenic Corridor program since the bond referendum was approved, which <br />includes funds for Lands Legacy acquisitions as well as another funding commitments. <br />This would include funds for non - public access lands that might be important for possible <br />conservation easements along this corridor. In the upcoming months the HPC and staff <br />will work together to develop recommendations to put this project before the BOCC. It <br />would be good to make presentation, early 2002, to the BOCC about the HPC's thoughts <br />are for the St. Mary's Corridor project, including mapping and view sheds, and what you <br />think the next steps should be. <br />Moon presented the HPC with a "viewshed" map. The map showed the entire corridor <br />viewshed based on computer analysis (the height of the driver compared to contours of <br />the surrounding landscape and treeline) and overlays of the vistas that the HPC had <br />identified as the most important. Moon mentioned that staff are pursuing the possibility of <br />creating a 3 -D viewshed map to help the community visualize the project. Connor asked <br />if remnants of the Trading Path could be put on the map. Moon stated that as the <br />relevant layers are created, they would /could be added. Stancil noted that interfacing the <br />Trading Path with the St. Mary's Corridor project would be one of the next steps and of <br />importance to the BOCC. Stancil, with member input, wrapped up with overview of plans <br />noting that next steps include: <br />➢ Look at appropriate time to get something presented to the BOCC <br />➢ What we ought to do <br />➢ Method to proceed with <br />➢ Pros & cons <br />➢ How to go about presenting and promoting to community as voluntary measures <br />➢ Study List Status benefits <br />➢ Advance notice /flyer to promote community project <br />➢ Presentation materials and visual aids <br />➢ Putting this project in cover memo to BOCC on goals for next year as well as <br />goals list <br />➢ Informing land owners of important natural areas and historical sites /buildings <br />Draft November 28, 2001 HPC minutes Page 3 of 4 <br />