HPC 013002
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HPC 013002
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Last modified
5/10/2018 2:59:50 PM
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5/10/2018 2:58:22 PM
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M'Sfioem 10.900.a <br />(Rsv. B -88) OMB Approwl Na 1024 -0018 <br />United States Department of the Interior' <br />National Park Service <br />National Register of Aistoric Places <br />Continuation Sheet <br />Holden- Roberts Farm <br />Section number _ 7 Page __ 2_ Orange County, NC <br />farm, both built ca. 1910 by Cain Roberts, have deteriorated, and a large concrete block chicken <br />house west of the farmhouse, built ca. 1950 by the Garrards, has been extensively renovated. <br />After 1950, the last year for which the Holden - Roberts Farm is eligible for the National Register, <br />Thomas Bacon added a frame and concrete block egg house northeast of the farmhouse in 1963; <br />James Rae Freeland built a frame pole barn in the east field ca. 1965; and Nels Anderson <br />constructed a frame sawmill shed east of the Garrards' barns in 1998. <br />INTEGRITY STATEMENT: <br />The Holden- Roberts Farm has a long history of continuous usage. Historic land use patterns <br />remain, and the lay of the land is much the same as formerly. Pastures and fields are in their <br />early- twentieth - century locations, and although livestock and poultry are no longer raised, the <br />farm produces a large annual crop of grass hay. Buildings on the farm have been constructed, <br />repaired, and destroyed, or allowed to deteriorate by various owners and tenants as fanning <br />activities and emphases have changed over time. The most important early- and mid, <br />twentieth- century buildings are in good repair and convey a strong sense of agricultural use <br />while the noncontributing buildings complement them in scale and character. <br />1. LANDSCAPE, contributing: <br />Although its acreage has varied over time, the Holden - Roberts Farm is today a sixty - eight- and <br />seven - tenths -acre tract, dominated by agricultural fields that slope gently upward from the <br />south boundary near SR 1002 to woodlands along the north and west boundaries. Mature <br />poplars, oaks, maples, and pines dominate the woodlands and cedars grow intermittently near <br />fence lines around the farm. Beginning at SR 1002, a winding dirt and gravel lane, part of a <br />network of unimproved roads abandoned by Orange County before 1936,1 extends in a north- <br />south direction and bisects the farm to divide a large open field of approximately thirty -five <br />acres on the west from two smaller fenced fields of approximately eight and ten acres on the <br />east. As it reaches the farmhouse in the north - central sector of the farm, the lane curves to the <br />west and then continues in a west - northwest direction off the property to State Route 1538. On <br />a gentle eastern slope, the farmhouse faces west toward the lane, sheltered on the east by two <br />tall pecan trees. Outbuildings around the farm, constructed over a fifty -year period of <br />agricultural significance and set in loose proximity to the lane from south to northwest, clearly <br />convey an association with Orange County's diversified farming economy from 1900 to 1950. <br />2. THE HOLDEN - ROBERTS FARMHOUSE, ca. 1873 174, with additions ca. 1900, 1930, and <br />1970 (Floor plans of the house are attached as Exhibits A and B): <br />The Holden - Roberts Farmhouse comprises a handsome frame tri-gable I -house constructed in <br />1873 and 1874, a ca. 1900 one -story frame kitchen - parlor -porch addition on the east elevation, <br />
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