HPC 013002
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HPC 013002
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5/10/2018 2:59:50 PM
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5/10/2018 2:58:22 PM
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NP5 Fmm 10 -900 -a <br />(Rev.8.86) OMB Appnyvd Na I024 -0018 <br />United States Department of the Interior <br />National Park Service <br />National Register of Historic Places - <br />Continuation Sheet <br />Holden - Roberts Farm <br />Section number 7 _ Page 1 Orange County, NC <br />GENERAL DESCRIPTION: <br />Encompassing sixty - eight - and seven - tenths acres of fields and woodlands in Eno Township of <br />Orange County, North Carolina and situated approximately three miles east of the town of <br />Hillsborough, the Holden - Roberts Farm, known today as Rolling Acres Farm, contains a rare <br />Reconstruction -period I -house and a largely intact grouping of agricultural outbuildings <br />constructed at various times from 1900 through 1950. Located in the proposed St. Mary's <br />Road Historic District north of State Route 1002 (St. Mary's Road) and approximately one mile <br />east of State Route 1538 (New Sharon Road), the farm takes the shape of an irregular polygon. <br />The west boundary travels in a straight line through woodlands, the north and east boundaries <br />angle along a subdivision road and a fence line, and the jagged south boundary follows fence <br />lines and a farm lane. <br />In the north - central sector, the focal point of the farm is a handsome and well - preserved I -house <br />with modest Greek Revival detailing that was built in 1873 and 1874 for Addison Holden, half - <br />brother of North Carolina's Reconstruction Governor, William Woods Holden. One of a very. <br />few dwellings built during Reconstruction in Orange County, the farmhouse retains many <br />original architectural details, and later -made additions and renovations have been sensitive and <br />careful. To replace a detached kitchen, Addison Holden enclosed the northern two-thirds of a <br />large porch on the east elevation as a kitchen and parlor around 1900. At the same time, he <br />extended a shallow porch from the east elevation of the enclosure and added a small frame <br />structure at the north end. About 1930, George Cain Roberts, who purchased the farm from <br />Holden in 1908, installed wood - composition wall board in the north parlor of the original block, <br />added a one -story frame wing to the north facade, remodeled the kitchen, and installed <br />Craftsman -style piers and posts on the south sector of the east - facing 1873 -1874 porch. No <br />other significant additions or alterations were made until ca. 1970 when the current owners, <br />Drs. Nels and Nancy Anderson, installed a bathroom in a portion of the ca. 1900 porch, <br />replaced a front porch post and rotted decking on all porches, and modernized the wing with <br />sheetrock walls, new bathroom fixtures, and a small kitchenette. <br />Eight outbuildings also contribute to the historic character of the farm. Addison Holden <br />constructed a granary southeast of the farmhouse ca. 1900. Cain Roberts erected three frame <br />chicken houses ca. 1910; two are northwest and one is northeast of the farmhouse. In addition, <br />Roberts added a brick shed - roofed garden house ca. 1915 north of the farmhouse, and an <br />equipment shed ca. 1930 south of the farmhouse along the lane. After Roberts's death, his <br />widow, Carrie, leased the farm to Jerome "Bud" Garrard who, with his sons "Vic" and "Julian," <br />constructed two pole barns ca. 1950 south of the farmhouse near the lane. <br />Six additional outbuildings reflect agricultural uses but are noncontributing. A frame chicken <br />house northwest of the farmhouse, and a small frame building near the eastern boundary of the <br />
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