Orange County NC Website
Certificate of Completion <br />1. Name of Recipient: Oranee County 3. Proiect Number: C-1 <br />2. Grant Number: Ol-C-0894 4. Proiect Name: IDA Proeram <br />5. Final Statement of Costs <br /> To Be Completed <br />B Reci ient To Be Completed <br />B DCA <br /> <br />Program Activity Categories <br />a Paid <br />Costs <br />b Unpaid <br />Costs <br />c Total Costs <br />(Col. b + c) <br />d Approved <br />Total Costs <br />e <br />a. Acquisition <br />b. Disposition <br />c. Public facilities and improvements <br />(1) Senior and handicapped centers <br />(2) Parks. plaverounds and recreation facilities <br />(3) Neiehborhood facilities <br />(4) Solid waste disposal facilities <br />(5) Fire protection facilities and equipment <br />(6) Parkine facilities <br />(7) Public utilities. other than water and sewer <br />(8) Water and sewer improvements <br />(9) Street improvements <br />(10) Flood and drainaee improvements <br />(il) Pedestrian improvements <br />(12) Other public facilities <br />(13) Sewer improvements <br />(14) Water improvements <br />d. Clearance activities <br />e. Public services <br />f Relocation assistance <br />e. Construction. rehab. and nreservation activities <br />(1) Construction or rehab. of com. & Indust. bides. <br />(2) Rehabilitation of privately owned buildines <br />(3) Rehabilitation of publicly owned buildines <br />(4) Code enforcement <br />(5) Historic nreservation <br />h. Development financine <br />(I) Workinecanital <br />(2) Machinery and equipment <br />i. Removal of architectural barriers <br />i. Other activities S 11.000 S I L000 <br />k. Subtotal 11.000 11.000 <br />I. Plannine <br />m. Administration 520.000 520.000 <br />n. Total 531.000 531.000 <br />o. Less: Proeram Income Applied to Proeram Costs <br />p. Equal: Grant Amount Applied to Proe. Costs 531.000 531.000 <br />6. Computation of Grant Balance <br /> <br /> <br />Description To Be <br />Completed By <br />Reci ient To Be <br />Completed By <br />DCA <br />(a) <br />Amount <br />b Approved <br />Amount <br />c <br />(1) Grant Amount Applied To Proeram Costs (From Line p) 53 ].000 <br />(2) Estimated Amount Por Unsettled Third -Party Claims 0 <br />(3) Subtotal 31.000 <br />(4) Grant Amount Per Grant Aereement 40.000 <br />(5) Unutilized Grant To Be Canceled (Line 4 Minus Line 31 9.000 <br />(6) Grant Funds Received 31.000 <br />(7) Balance of Grant Payable (Line 3 Minus Line 6)* 0 <br />* If Line 6 exceeds L-ine 3, enter the amount of the excess on Line 7 as a negafive amount. This amount slrnll be <br />repaid fo DCA by check, unless DCA has previously approved use of these funds. <br />