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AGENDA ITEM <br />ITEM 8 <br />~'~ <br />PROPOSAL TO ALLOW STATE-CONTROLLED HUNTING ON OWASA'S 500- <br />ACRE "MITIGATION TRACT" <br />PURPOSE <br />To receive information about a proposed hunting program on OWASA-owned property <br />in the Cane Creek watershed. <br />BACKGROUND <br />OWASA's 500-acre "Mitigation Tract" was purchased in 1980 to offset the loss of <br />wildlife habitat that would be caused by impounding the Cane Creek Reservoir, <br />Correspondence at that time implied that this properly would be open to the public for <br />hunting, but the actua1404 Pernvt issued to OWASA for construction of the reservoir did <br />not include this requirement, The permit did, however, stipulate that the reservoir itself <br />be open for fishing and hunting, <br />Cane Creek Reservoir has been open to the public for boating and fishing, but hunting is <br />prohibited on all OWASA-owned property, Nevertheless, the Mitigation Tract has been <br />subject to a significant amount ofunmanaged hunting, littering, and trespassing, <br />including off-road vehicle use, which OWASA field staff have been unable to controh <br />Staff of the North Cazolina Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) has proposed a <br />limited permit-controlled hunting program on the Mitigation Tract that would be <br />administered and operated by the WRC, As part of the State's gamelands program, the <br />Mitigation Tract would be posted and patrolled by WRC game wardens, who have <br />significantly more enforcement authority than OWASA field staff. In exchange for <br />pernrission from OWASA to implement this program, the official requirement to provide <br />hunting on the Cane Creek Reservoir would be dropped. <br />WRC staff will be present at the September 23, 2004 Board meeting to provide additional <br />information and answer questions. <br />ACTION NEEDED <br />Discussion only, No action is requested at this time,. <br />STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff recommends that the Boazd receive the report and seek any additional information <br />that maybe needed to support a decision on the permit hunting proposal. We recommend <br />that the Board consider action at a later meeting,. <br />September 2.3, 2004 <br />