APB agenda 112701
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Agricultural Preservation Board
APB agenda 112701
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Last modified
5/10/2018 2:13:58 PM
Creation date
5/10/2018 2:13:17 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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1u <br />Expo in Greensboro or the National Strawberry Association's meeting in Greensboro in <br />February. Maybe scholarships could be offered to farmers who would want to go to these <br />meetings. <br />Commissioner Jacobs stated that his reaction is, what we are saying is nothing special. <br />Agriculture is special. This is a special time to bring it all together on a higher level of <br />consciousness. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested to have break -out groups; smaller, more interactive <br />sessions. These groups would talk about something specific. <br />Commissioner Jacobs stated that there is a utility to the structure that we don't want to <br />lose. <br />Dr. Barber added that this would be a good time to introduce Mike Lanier, our new <br />Agricultural Economic Development Coordinator. This would help Mr. Lanier in putting <br />together a survey of what we have in Orange County. <br />Mike added that one possible topic could be "Kenaf — Emerging New Crop Industry ", <br />being done by a farmer in Greene County. Maybe they could come and speak. <br />Dr. Barber then asked for possible locations for the Agricultural Summit. Suggestions <br />were A.L. Stanback Middle School, Pathways Elementary School, Schley Grange Hall <br />and the Northern Orange Center. It was decided that we would try to secure the Northern <br />Orange Center. <br />Comments: ............................................................................ Commissioner Barry Jacobs <br />Commissioner Jacobs stated that his ideas for this year's Agricultural Summit are: <br />- Make Mike as manifest as possible. <br />- Promote Agricultural Heritage. <br />- Seek grant money, oral histories and traditions of Agriculture in Orange County. <br />Talk to families about preserving their family's agricultural heritage. <br />- Legislative items such as Use Value Legislation, farmer -to- farmer transfers. <br />Possible speakers on this topic could be the Farm Bureau, Association of County <br />Commissioners, or the legislators who introduced the legislation. <br />Dr. Barber suggested that the Commissioner of Agriculture, Meg Scott- Phipps, could <br />give an overview at the beginning of the Summit, then Commissioner Jacobs could give <br />an overview from the county level. Then the legislators could speak, followed by the <br />introduction of Mike Lanier. After that, they could break out into three concurrent <br />sessions. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested a topic of the Association of Tax Assessors pushing to <br />change use values; rental rates, etc. If it is going to be changed, what is best for us? This <br />
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