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Sz <br />MLA,,�oURINU U <br />As it matures —both in experience and in financial capability — Golden LEAF (Long -term <br />Economic Advancement Foundation) remains focused on a specific purpose — helping <br />tobacco - dependent and impacted communities deal with the consequences of tobacco's <br />changing role in our state. <br />Throughout this third year of operation, Golden LEAF has maintained a commitment <br />to the long -term advancement of North Carolina, scoring remarkable successes in invest- <br />ments and grants that will serve as major economic building blocks for years to come. <br />To specifically address the overall decline in North Carolina's economy, Golden LEAF <br />reassessed our programs and approaches. The result: in August 2002, the Foundation <br />announced an $85.4 million economic stimulus initiative of targeted investments and <br />grants— projected to generate more than $350 million in new investments in North <br />Carolina over the next five years, creating some 25,000 new jobs. <br />Building upon the Foundation's established priorities of agriculture, economic devel- <br />opment and workforce preparedness, the economic stimulus initiative includes a major <br />investment in venture funds which targets biotechnology companies that are developing <br />or manufacturing products in North Carolina. <br />Completing our third grant cycle, the Golden LEAF Board of Directors and staff believe <br />the Foundation truly is measuring up to our challenges —the challenges of remaining <br />accountable to the people of North Carolina, remaining true to our mission of bolstering <br />.North Carolina's economy, and ensuring North Carolina's future competitiveness in the <br />global marketplace. <br /> <br />GOLDENLIEAF 2002 Annual Report <br />3 <br />