Orange County NC Website
9. It has already been mentioned that the preferred location for the Rural Education <br />Center would be relatively close to Hillsborough where it would get more use for the <br />educational components of the facility. <br />10. In the week of February 20, 1995, it was learned by committee members that the <br />Town of Hillsborough had zoning regulations that would currently interfere with putting <br />the livestock component of the facility in the proposed county owned location. It was <br />also learned that the citizens of the surrounding community had reservations about <br />locating this facility in their area. As a result, the committee met on February 23, 1995 <br />and decided to give up looking at the county property for this project and go back to <br />trying to purchase some land at a different location. The committee and the county <br />manager did not want to get into a drawn -out disagreement with the town or the <br />community over this issue. It was decided to pursue other possibilities even though this <br />will delay the project which has been much delayed already. There are no current plans <br />for putting any part of the Rural Education Center concept on this property. <br />3!16/95 <br />-7 <br />7 <br />r <br />C <br />3 <br />3 iJ <br />