Orange County NC Website
DRAFT MEETING SUMMARY <br />AGRICULTURAL PRESERVATION BOARD <br />June 18, 2003 <br />PRESENT: Tony Kleese, Elizabeth Walters, Kim Roberts, Marty Mandell, Rodney <br />Recor Gordon Warren, Noah Ranells Environment & Resource <br />Conservation Director David Stancil, and staff Carol Melton. <br />ABSENT: Bob Strayhorn, Louise Tate, Don Johnson and Whit Morrow <br />GUEST: Kimberly Siran, Environment & Resource Conservation Design <br />Specialist <br />ITEM #1: CALL TO ORDER <br />Kleese called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. due to the members' participation in <br />an earlier session to explore ideas for value -added options and alternative markets <br />hosted by the Cooperative Extension Service and Economic Development <br />Commission. <br />ITEM #2: CONSIDERATION OF ADDITIONS TO AGENDA <br />Stancil said that he would update the APB in August on the Farm Festival activities. <br />ITEM #3: APPROVAL OF MINUTES May 21, 2003 <br />MOTION: Warren moved approval of the May 21St minutes with noted corrections. <br />Seconded by Walters. <br />VOTE: Unanimous. <br />ITEM #4: ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION <br />a. Presentation - "A Systematic Approach to Rural Land <br />Conservation in Orange County, NC" by Kimberly Siran, Open <br />Space Design Specialist <br />Siran gave an overview of her 1997 Master's Thesis, focused on four Orange County <br />Farms and interest in large scale landscape issues with the abundance of agricultural <br />land being lost to sprawling suburban development. She described how conservation <br />land planning techniques could preserve the natural characteristics of the rural land, <br />while allowing changes in land use and guiding development to be integrated with the <br />existing landscape of the area to allow a balance between land use change and <br />conservation. Physiographic context (streams topography and vegetation), <br />ecological context (soil, plant species and hydrology) and historical and cultural <br />context (identifying settlement patterns, social forces and political events instrumental <br />in shaping the landscape) were noted as three elements to use to identify a broad <br />Draft <br />-1- <br />