Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY <br />ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE CONSERVATION <br />MEMORANDUM <br />To: Agricultural Preservation Board <br />From: ERCD Staff <br />Date: November 20, 2001 <br />Subject: Voluntary Farmland Preservation Program Ordinance <br />During the past year the APB has discussed a variety of strategies to preserve farming and <br />active agricultural lands in Orange County. The following items reflect potential revisions to <br />our existing farmland preservation ordinance ( VFPPO) to better incorporate these new <br />strategies. <br />VFPPO Language Changes <br />• Review the new model ordinance developed by North Carolina State University and <br />consider using some of its language to revisit VAD issues. <br />• Clarify the language in Section D. APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATION PROCEDURES <br />item 6. to more clearly differentiate the conservation agreement requirement to participate <br />in a Voluntary Agricultural Districts versus a traditional conservation easement. <br />Ways to Improve the Voluntary Agricultural District Program (VAD) <br />• Increase the number of incentives to participate in the VAD program. <br />• Reduce minimum farm size <br />• Provide more benefits <br />• Decrease number of disincentives to participate in the VAD program. <br />• Revise agreement form <br />• Reconsider qualifications for a seat on the APB. <br />Utilizing the Farmland Ranking System <br />• Update the ranking system to reflect agricultural priority areas <br />(as information about the location of active farms becomes available). <br />Other issues and potential partnerships <br />• Economic Development for Agriculture <br />• Farmland Preservation through land use planning <br />• Pursue a Transfer of Development program with the Planning Department <br />• Ensure that the APB has the opportunity to review development proposals with a one <br />mile radius from VAD and have input into substantial land use planning policy and <br />regulatory changes <br />