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4/18/00 5 08 <br />voluntary agricultural district. The Chair will notify the applicant by mail of the Board's <br />decision as to whether the real property for which certification is sought satisfies the <br />criteria established in Section V and has been certified as qualifying farmland. If <br />application was also sought for designation as a voluntary agricultural district, the Chair <br />will notify the applicant of the Board's recommendation concerning such designation. <br />4. Upon receipt of the recommendation of the Board, the Board of County Commissioners <br />may consider an application for establishment of a voluntary agricultural district. In <br />deciding whether to establish a district, the Board of County Commissioners shall <br />consider the findings of the Orange County Tax Supervisor and Natural Resources <br />Conservation Service offices as well as the recommendation of the Board. <br />5. Upon approval by the Board of County Commissioners, the establishment of a voluntary <br />agricultural district shall become effective upon recordation of a conservation agreement, <br />prepared in accordance with Section V.C.(1)(d), executed by the landowner and the <br />County, and recorded in the Orange County Register of Deeds as provided in the N.C. <br />General Statutes, Section 121 -41. <br />6. Upon recordation of a conservation easement, the Environment and Resource <br />Conservation Department will notify the Orange County Tax Supervisor of the voluntary <br />agricultural district established. The location of said district will be marked on the Orange <br />County tax maps. <br />E. The County may take such action as it deems appropriate through the Agricultural Preservation <br />Board or other body or individual to encourage the formation of voluntary agricultural districts and <br />to further their purposes and objectives, including, at a minimum, a public information program to <br />reasonably inform landowners of the farmland preservation program. <br />Section VI- REVOCATION OF CONSERVATION AGREEMENT <br />By written notice to the Board of County Commissioners, a landowner of qualifying farmland may <br />revoke the conservation agreement formulated pursuant to Section V of this ordinance. Such revocation <br />shall result in loss of qualifying status, and consequently, loss of eligibility to participate in a voluntary <br />agricultural district and benefits thereof. Upon revocation of a conservation agreement, written notice of <br />the revocation shall be recorded in the Orange County Register of Deeds as provided in the N.C. <br />General Statutes, Section 121 -41. <br />Section VII - PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />(amended 4117100) <br />A. PURPOSE <br />No state or local public agency or governmental unit may formally initiate any action to condemn <br />any interest in qualifying farmland within a voluntary agricultural district until such agency or unit <br />has requested the Orange County Agricultural Preservation Board to hold a public hearing on the <br />proposed condemnation. <br />B. PROCEDURE <br />1. Upon receiving a request, the Agricultural Preservation Board shall publish notice <br />describing the proposed action in a newspaper having general circulation in the area <br />within seven (7) days of the request, and will in the same notice notify the public of a <br />public hearing on the proposed condemnation, to be held within 30 days of receipt of the <br />request. <br />