Orange County NC Website
�8 <br />' 6 <br />eligible for a 50% property tax deferral as long as the property's important historic features <br />are maintained. Local historic district designation has no effect on local property taxes. <br />Multiple Use - The combination on one lot of two or more principal uses, excluding outdoor <br />advertising signs. (Under some circumstances, a second use may be regarded as accessory <br />to the first, and thus a multiple use is not established.) <br />Mulch Manufacture - The manufacture of horticultural mulch from wood, wood products or <br />similar materials. This term does not include the production of mulch as a by- product of on- <br />site farming. <br />Performance Standards - A series of regulatory criteria or limits related to certain <br />characteristics that a particular use of process may not exceed. These criteria or land use <br />controls evaluate the actual impact or "performance" of an operation. Examples of <br />performance standards appropriate for agricultural operations and related businesses include <br />but are not limited to: thresholds for the number of patrons /employees associated with a <br />business or lot size, traffic generation (number of trips), hours of operation, time of year of <br />operation, off - property effects (including noise, odors, lighting), access to certain types of <br />roads, proximity to adjacent residences, etc. <br />Petting Zoo - A facility, exclusive from any specific bona fide farm, in which livestock, farm <br />animals and other animals are kept for public exhibition, viewing and contact, regardless of <br />compensation, and which may include related accessory uses and activities such as gift <br />shops not exceeding 600 square feet in area, picnic areas and recreational activities. For the <br />purpose of this Ordinance, a pet farm shall not include retail pet stores and kennels, horse <br />races, and such activities as State and County fairs, livestock shows, rodeos, field trials, and <br />horsing events. <br />Pick - Your -Own (U -Pick) Farm operations where the grower raises fruits, vegetables, <br />flowers, and some horticultural /nursery products and the customers harvest the fruits or <br />products themselves. The prices they pay for the volume harvested will be usually higher <br />than what the grower would get from a broker. <br />Processing - A facility that processes agricultural products. For permitting purposes, the <br />processing facilities are divided into three categories based on the intensity. <br />a. Small -Scale Processing, Accessory — An operation to process agricultural <br />product(s) grown on a bona fide farm in the course of preparing it for market. <br />Processing is subordinate and incidental to the farm operation and includes the <br />following uses: <br />1. Basic Processing: Processing necessary to store and market farm products. <br />Basic processing does not include treatment that changes the form of the <br />product but does include treatment such as cutting, drying and packaging. <br />2. Value -added Processing: Treatment that changes the form of a farm product <br />in order to increase its market value, including such processes as canning, <br />milling, grinding, freezing, heating and fermenting. <br />b. Processing Facility — A facility that processes agricultural products grown or <br />produced on a bona fide farm or cooperative farm,venture where the operation is <br />located on the specific bona fide farm or one.of the participating cooperative farms. <br />The facility may operate independently from specific farm(s) if the business uses <br />primarily locally grown products and only those companion items or ingredients not <br />produced in the area needed in the preparation of the agricultural or horticultural <br />