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<br />Equestrian Facility with Commercial Stables, Events, Rodeos - A commercial facility
<br />where horses are sheltered, fed, groomed, and may be bred. Typical accessory uses may
<br />include riding instruction, horse shows and auctions, a tack shop, and storage of feed and
<br />supplies: Events and activities include steeplechase and other equestrian events, rodeos,
<br />dog and livestock shows, horse and tractor pulls, field sports, firework displays, fair and
<br />circuses, with a maximum cumulative number of spectators exhibiting, judging, showing or
<br />racing of horses at a frequency greater than one a year where more than 100 spectators are
<br />reasonably anticipated. A Small -Scale Equestrian Facility is a small horse complex linked
<br />to a bona fide farm that provides stable space for horse boarding and areas for riding
<br />instruction, such as pastures, farm roads and trails. Horse shows and equestrian events are
<br />not permitted as part of this use; riding arenas or rinks or other shelters for show or display
<br />purposes may not be constructed.
<br />Exempt- (Exempt from zoning regulations)
<br />Bona fide farms are exempt from zoning regulations per NC General Statutes. Many
<br />accessory uses to bona fide farms are also exempt. Certain building code requirements
<br />apply to farm structures, and environmental health requirements may still apply, but for the
<br />most part land use permits and related fees (from Planning) are not needed.
<br />Farming - The use of land primarily for one or more of the following: the production in the
<br />open of cash grains, field crops, vegetables, melons, fruits, berries and nuts and /or the
<br />raising or keeping of general livestock and poultry for the sale of such livestock and poultry
<br />for the products thereof or the breeding of such livestock and poultry. Farming includes any
<br />buildings or structures which are customarily incidental or subordinate to the farming
<br />activities listed above, including residences for the owners, operators or employees of the
<br />farm and their families. General livestock and poultry includes those animals involved which
<br />are customarily and traditionally raised on farms, such as beef and dairy cattle, hogs, sheep,
<br />goats, rabbits and horses, mules, ponies, chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese for the
<br />purpose listed above. Farming does not include agricultural services and processing,
<br />avocational farming, specialized commercial horticulture, and specialized commercial animal
<br />husbandry, however some of these uses may be considered accessory to a bona fide farm.
<br />Farm Employee Housing (Tenant Housing) - A detached dwelling or mobile home located
<br />on a farm for the purpose of housing an employee of the farm operation and his /her family.
<br />Also included in this use type would be multi - family dwelling(s) for seasonal employees in
<br />connection with an orchard or other agricultural use, which relies on seasonal employees
<br />who must be housed.
<br />Farm Machinery Service, Rental, and Sales Establishment - A use of land where the
<br />primary occupation is the sale, rental or service of vehicles in operating condition and non -
<br />vehicular equipment designed specifically for agricultural purposes whether for use on a farm
<br />or in the transportation of farm products, but shall not include buildings. For the purpose of
<br />this Ordinance, farm equipment sales, rental and service establishments shall not include
<br />HEAVY EQUIPMENT, as defined herein, but may include farm equipment parts and
<br />accessory sales where installation of parts is a distinct feature of .the business, and body and
<br />paint work, when ancillary to sales and repair shops. The retail sale of equipment and
<br />machinery parts is a logical accessory to this use.
<br />Farmers Market - see Community Farmers Market
<br />Farm Stand, (Roadside Stand, Wayside Stand) - A structure or outdoor area located on a
<br />farm and use for the sale, by an individual owner or tenant, of farm products grown or
<br />