Orange County NC Website
24, <br />Best Management Practices (BMPs) - A structural or non - structural management -based <br />practice used singularly or in combination to reduce non -point source pollution to receiving <br />waters in order to achieve water quality protection goals. (See also, Detention Pond and <br />Engineered Stormwater Controls) (Unless otherwise specified, 'BMP ", when used in this <br />Ordinance, refers to structural BMPs.) <br />Bona fide Farm - Bona fide farm purposes include the production and activities relating or <br />incidental to the production of crops, fruits, vegetables, ornamental and flowering plants, <br />dairy, livestock, poultry, and all other forms of agricultural products having a domestic or <br />foreign market. (NCGS 153A -340 (2)) <br />Bona fide Farm Accessory Uses Subsidiary uses that complement a primary bona fide <br />farm use. Examples include but are not limited to the retail sales and pick - your -own sales of <br />products grown on the farm such as fruits, vegetables, flowers, nursery and greenhouse <br />crops. Small -scale processing operations of products grown on the farm such as. preserves <br />and jams, canned goods, and sauces may be accessory along with the retail sale of such <br />items. Examples of agricultural tourism operations such as seasonal corn mazes and <br />hayrides may also be accessory to a bona fide farm so long as the scale and income of the <br />accessory use remains related to and subsidiary to the main bona fide farm use. Owners <br />wishing to pursue accessory uses to their bona fide farm which attract visitors to their <br />property will have to demonstrate sufficient off -road parking and safe vehicle access before <br />beginning their operation. <br />Building Permit - Written permission issued by Orange County for the construction, repairs, <br />addition or demolition of a structure. <br />Clearcutting The removal of an entire stand of trees in one cutting. <br />Combination User A use consisting of a combination on one lot of two or more principal <br />uses separately listed in the Land Use Table. (Under some circumstances, a second <br />principal use may be regarded as accessory to the first, and thus a combination use is not <br />established. In addition, when two or more separately owned or separately operated <br />enterprises occupy the same lot, and all such enterprises fall within the same principal use <br />classification, this shall not constitute a combination use.) <br />Commercial Feeder - An intensive animal raising operation that takes place within a <br />building. None of the feed is produced on the tract, and the processing is fully or partly <br />automated. <br />Commercial Harvesting - A commercial operation that would alter the existing composition <br />or profile, or both, of a forest, including all commercial cutting operations done by companies. <br />and private individuals for economic gain. <br />Commercial Hunting or Fishing Preserve - An area of land upon which a fee is charged <br />for public or private hunting or fishing and upon which game or fish are grown or stocked for <br />a fee specifically for hunting or fishing thereon. <br />Community Farmers Market - A principal use which includes the sale of local horticultural <br />or agricultural products, such as nursery stock, perennial, annuals, bulbs, mulch, compost, <br />dried flowers, Christmas trees and greens, fresh produce, honey, cider, and similar <br />