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of <br />W <br />DRAFT MINUTES <br />AGRICULTURAL PRESERVATION BOARD <br />March 19, 2003 <br />PRESENT: Tony Kleese, Don Johnson, Whit Morrow, Kim Roberts, Rodney <br />Recor, Noah Ranells, Gordon Warren, Marty Mandell, <br />Environment & Resource Conservation Director David Stancil, <br />Environment & Resource Conservation Preservation Planner Tina <br />Moon, and Carol Melton. <br />GUESTS: Carl Walters, Spence Dickinson <br />ABSENT: Louise Tate, Elizabeth Walters, and Bob Strayhorn <br />ITEM #1: CALL TO ORDER <br />Kleese called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and welcomed new member <br />Don Johnson. Members introduced themselves and talked about their interests <br />in county agriculture. <br />ITEM #2: CONSIDERATION OF ADDITIONS TO AGENDA <br />Guest Spence Dickinson requested that the APB review a draft document that <br />he is planning to get to our State Legislators. He has already spoken with <br />Agricultural Commissioner, Meg Scott Phipps, about some of the changes to <br />North Carolina law that he would like to see regarding small farms. <br />ITEM #3: APPROVAL OF MINUTES January 15, 2003 & February 19, <br />2003 <br />MOTION: Gordon motioned approval of January 15 and February 19, 2003 <br />minutes with a noted correction. Seconded by Ranells. <br />VOTE: Unanimous <br />ITEM #4: ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION <br />a. Facilitated Discussion of 2003 Goals /Strategies for Preservation <br />and Land Use <br />Kleese noted that the main topic for the evening was to discuss strategies for <br />preserving farming and farmland, and to try to channel or categorize those <br />ideas into different directions based on where they might take action. The <br />Comprehensive Land Use Plan might be one area of action, for example. As a <br />long -term vision, the APB should also try to get clear about what kinds of things <br />the board wants to endorse. Stancil suggested that the group list out <br />strategies, and then sort them based on ideas that should be directed toward <br />the Comprehensive Land Use Committee, and ideas that should be looked at <br />further by this group as part of the farmland preservation efforts. Stancil added <br />that, at the last meeting we had a lot of ideas being floated around in context of <br />providing feedback to Mandell and Ranells serving on the CPLUC —the <br />DRAFT <br />