Orange County NC Website
agricultural Districts Advisory Board Background <br />Orange County Agricultural Preservation Board <br />Background I Members <br />Background <br />Page 1 of 3 <br />The Agricultural Preservation Board (APB) is an advisory board of citizens appointed by the Board <br />of County Commissioners. The APB was created in 1987, and charged with advising the Board of <br />County Commissioners on issues affecting the agricultural. economy of Orange County. Based on <br />recommendations from a 1981 agricultural task force report To Preserve Our Farms, APB drafted a <br />local farmland preservation ordinance that would establish voluntary agricultural districts. The first <br />voluntary agricultural district was designated by the Board of County Commissioners in 1992. <br />Since the designation of the initial district, 2,894 acres have been certified as qualifying farmland, <br />and six farms totaling 1,670 acres have completed all prerequisites for official voluntary <br />agricultural district designation. <br />In recent years, the Agricultural Preservation Board has focused on a more comprehensive <br />approach to farmland preservation. They held a public forum with representatives of the Ar ericann <br />Farmland Trust and the Agricultural Reserve Board of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and organized a <br />series of staff training workshops involving County planning and agriculture staff in the use of <br />voluntary conservation easements as a means of farmland preservation through estate planning. <br />APB is currently studying, along with other advisory boards, a Land Resource Acquisistion <br />Program for the County. <br />In January 1998, APB and the Soil and Water Conservation District Board conducted an <br />agricultural survey of all county farmers, agriculturists, and farming- related businesses. The survey <br />helped identify the most critical needs and issues of the agricultural community. <br />In February 1999, the APB participated in the first Agricultural Summit. Over 100 participants <br />from all sectors of Orange County agriculture Beard presentations by farmers who have successfully <br />diversified their operations, as well as presentations in organic production, land use taxation, farm <br />conservation strategies, and an overview of the recently announced tobacco industry settlement and <br />establishment of trust funds to help tobacco growers and communities. <br />The APB will enter the year 2000 by addressing agriculture and economic development issues, and <br />working with the Land Resource Acquisition Program to identify the most important farmland <br />areas for preservation. Also, the APB will continue its involvement in forthcoming Agricultural <br />Summits, working with farmers, citizens and elected officials to build a new consensus for <br />farmland preservation. <br />http: / / /ercd /apb/board.htm 4/9/2003 <br />