Orange County NC Website
C"6* <br />• Develop Stock Companies <br />• Construct an Organic Processing Plant (Seed, etc) <br />• Raise $ for Development Rights -- Preservation <br />Extend the Use Value Taxation Program <br />Identify Agricultural Priority (areas) <br />Link to size of area (VAD) <br />Contiguous Ag Districts = <br />Provide Economic Incentives <br />(Lower Use Value rate) (Cedar Grove land perc) <br />• Cut taxes for new ventures <br />Consider an insurance program for diversifying Tobacco Farmers <br />Use Cedar Grove — pilot project for a Land Link <br />• Apply for Golden Leaf funds to provide crop insurance <br />• Apply for Tobacco Trust Fund monies <br />• Create development zones with special guidelines in Central Orange County, carve out the <br />rural areas and provide different guidelines based on agricultural development <br />Qualify for additional programs (legislation changes) <br />Promote TDR /PDR — Focus sending areas on sections of the county with prime soils and <br />receiving areas to sections of the county with public services <br />• Expand Joint Planning efforts to include Hillsborough <br />• Provide information regarding estate planning options — Tie to Development rights <br />Promote stewardship ethic vs, less interest in future generations <br />Give value in another way (TOR,PDR) <br />Obtain funding for PDR, and for Land Link program <br />• Develop farm preservation programs and farm training programs <br />• Offer scholarships <br />• Encourage local schools to include agricultural topics including the importance of farming in <br />their study plans /curriculum <br />• Develop agricultural -based educational program — allow town kids an opportunity/ Ag Day in <br />schools <br />• Build agricultural resource. center (Pole Barn) <br />• Target Blackwood Farm as the Focal Point/Central Point for agricultural <br />resource /educational center <br />• Include Schools (and School Board) in outreach efforts <br />Voluntary Agricultural Districts — reevaluate balance of threatened vs. critical mass <br />Reexamine the definition of Bona fide Farm <br />Explore related themes <br />• Preserve Land <br />Pursue innovative schemes for profitability <br />Define Farms /Establishing & Advocate Legislation <br />Develop collations with multiple interest groups -- Conservationists, and Economic <br />Organizations <br />b. Review of Membership /Attendance Issues <br />Kleese asked for discussion of membership and joint meetings with other <br />agencies. Stancil reported that there are seven current at -large members and <br />Voluntary Agriculture District representative slots. <br />C. Review of Historic Preservation Element format <br />d. Joint Meetings with other Advisory Boards /Quarterly Agricultural <br />Agencies breakfast <br />Stancil brought up an idea, discussed at a previous meeting, to have a <br />quarterly breakfast with some of the different farm - related agencies. Members <br />agreed that outreach should be the first discussion topic. The first meeting <br />should focus on getting to know the other staff members. The next meeting(s) <br />DRAFT <br />