APB agenda 052103
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Agricultural Preservation Board
APB agenda 052103
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Last modified
5/10/2018 12:33:37 PM
Creation date
5/10/2018 12:33:13 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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DRAFT MEETING SUMMARY <br />AGRICULTURAL PRESERVATION BOARD <br />April 16, 2003 <br />PRESENT: Tony Kleese, Louise Tate, Elizabeth Walters, Noah Ranells, <br />Gordon Warren, Environment & Resource Conservation <br />Preservation Planner Tina Moon, and Carol Melton. <br />ABSENT: Don Johnson, Bob Strayhorn, Kim Roberts, Rodney Recor, Marty <br />Mandell, and Whit Morrow <br />ITEM #1: CALL TO ORDER <br />Kleese called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and noted that in the future the <br />APB should not schedule a meeting on the same evening as the Junior <br />Livestock Show. <br />ITEM #2: CONSIDERATION OF ADDITIONS TO AGENDA <br />ITEM #3: APPROVAL OF MINUTES March 19, 2003 <br />Due to lack of quorum, this item was deferred for the next meeting. <br />ITEM #4: ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION <br />a. Strategies for Farmland Preservation (Continued from March) <br />At the previous meeting the APB discussed strategies for preserving farming <br />and farmland, and tried to categorize the potential strategies based on where <br />they might take action. Tools linked to land use planning, for example, might <br />be forwarded on to Comprehensive Planning staff and the Land Use <br />Committee: Other suggestions, such as finding new markets for local products, <br />might be better adopted as part of a stand alone Farmland Preservation <br />Element. Per the APB's request, staff reorganized the list of strategies from the <br />March meeting's brainstorming session into a matrix "Strategies for Farm & <br />Farmland Preservation" for further analysis. Members reviewed the matrix <br />categories of (1) Profitability in terms of business and (2) Preserving Land & <br />farmers as viable opportunity and (3) Preserving farmland. <br />After discussion among new and long -time members regarding APB goals the <br />group determined that more specific comments to the CPLUC might be <br />appropriate. Warren added that the APB needs to get support for agricultural <br />infrastructure in the county such as some kind of processing facility, and a farm <br />services center. Farm services should be consolidated in one practical <br />location. Kleese asked Moon for suggestions for appropriate language for a <br />statement. <br />DRAFT <br />
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