Orange County NC Website
1� <br />For example, signage could be placed identifying a "Orange County park - <br />farm". <br />Kleese suggested identifing an area that is going to be under severe <br />pressure, and build a data base of areas that we should focus on. Once this <br />is done, vote on the top 3 or 5 focus areas and, develop criteria on primary <br />pressures, developments, water /sheds, and prime farmland. <br />Strayhorn said if we need to find some way to offer enough benefits to <br />encourage people to join up under voluntary agricultural districts (VAD) <br />program. It s a commitment on their part, if there is some value to it and, <br />that would be the most economic way we could ever get land put into <br />continued agriculture and farming for at least a set period. The issue was <br />raised that the VAD contract document was too complicated. Staff is <br />developing a draft of less complicated contract for APB review. <br />ITEM #5: ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION <br />a. September 27 Joint Meeting/Follow -up Dates <br />Stancil thanked everyone for their new ideas at the September meeting and <br />asked for any follow -up ideas. Recor wanted to see a way for people with <br />less than 80 acres to participate in the VAD program. Staff was requested <br />to research how other counties interpret the state statutes such as <br />individual farms vs. large sections of a county VAD. <br />b. Voluntary Agricultural Districts Incentives Report <br />Moon presented a report on incentives for voluntary agricultural districts. <br />A two -tier approach as suggested at a previous APB meeting was <br />discussed as written in the handout. Tier One includes ideas on the local <br />the level that the BOCC could pursue, such as <br />Simplify the VAD legal agreement; Work in conjunction with NCDOT to <br />lower the speed limit within VADS's; pursuing allowing farms with less <br />than 80 acres to participate; encourage farmland preservation as a part of <br />the Million Acres program; provide business planning and estate planning <br />free to VAD participants; create incentives to promote the preservation <br />and reuse of farm buildings and supporting structures; establish a <br />demonstration farm program to help farmers convert to more profitable <br />multi -year corps; and develop a program with 10 -year renewable <br />easements and installment purchase easements (PA's) as short-term <br />options to farmers in VADs — with long term options as well. <br />Tier Two included a tax exemption or deferral ideas, such as a property <br />tax exemption for farm buildings, machinery, and equipment; a fifty- <br />percent deferral of use -value access property taxes; a property tax <br />abatement on land donated as a conservation easement; including farms to <br />DRAFT Page 4 of 5 <br />