Orange County NC Website
1 <br />- Farmers are looking for something less labor intensive than growing vegetables. <br />When they have to pay someone to pick the vegetables, they don't make that much. <br />- Have 2 or 3 speakers to present interesting things that they are doing. Something <br />that the farmers could see themselves doing. Some ideas of this are the corn maze, <br />pumpkins patch farms, etc. There is one farmer in Alamance County that is <br />planting a vineyard and plans to have a winery. <br />- Other ideas were boarding horses, producing hay for horses, direct marketing of <br />beef (getting a meat handlers license and selling meat at farmer's markets). <br />- One idea was to build in your clientele. Develop part of the farm and use the rest <br />for boarding horses and gardening. Karen will talk to others in the state to find <br />examples of this. <br />Dr. Barber stated that the Cooperative Extension Staff will pull together topics to have <br />for our next meeting. From the ideas today, it will probably contain three producer topics <br />and several 15 minute topics. <br />Other Topics for Discussion: <br />Date: <br />The date for the 2001 Agricultural Summit was set for Thursday, February 1, <br />2001. An inclement weather date was set for Thursday, February 15, 2001. This <br />inclement weather date will also be printed on the invitations. <br />Time: <br />The time for the 2001 Agricultural Summit was set for 9:00am- 1:00pm. <br />Coffee /milk, refreshments and registration will be from 8:30- 9:00am and lunch <br />from 12:00- 1:00pm. <br />Location: <br />The location will be the Schley Grange Hall. Dr. Barber will contact them to see <br />if these dates are open. <br />Budget: (Proposed) <br />Rental of Grange: $ 150.00 <br />Meal: 1,200.00 <br />Postage: 250.00 <br />Refreshments & Honorariums: $ 500.00 <br />Total Budget: $27100.00 <br />