Orange County NC Website
Ik <br />Focus Areas <br />A) Local Retail Opportunities — Farmer's Markets, restaurants, groceries, on- <br />farm and roadside sales. Possible speakers: Bill Jester (NCCE), Bob and /or <br />Muffin Nutter, Ken Dawson, Alex Hitt or Karl Shaeffer, Beverly Blythe <br />B) Community Supported Agriculture <br />C) Added Income Sources — renting garden plots, custom work, agri - tourism and <br />farm tours <br />D) Selling to local institutions <br />2) Series of Farm Walkabouts to folks that have adopted some of the practices above <br />or who have diversified their operations. Possibilities include: Dwight Compton, <br />Howard McAdams, Maple View, Jeff Sykes, Others? <br />3) Possible Estate Planning for Farm Families Seminar — Will include information <br />on means to pass on land and farm assets to family members and preserving farms <br />for the future. Focus again on options such as conservation easements, incentives <br />of voluntary agricultural districts, using a hypothetical farm to show tax <br />incentives (advantages), general tax changes for 2001 and what the outlook for <br />the short-term future might be as far as agricultural economy. <br />At this point, Dr. Barber opened the discussion to the committee. The following ideas <br />were discussed: <br />- Invite Meg Scott- Phipps to speak.. She could give an overview of what she thinks <br />will happen in agriculture during her administration. Commissioner Barry Jacobs <br />will contact her to see if she would be able to speak. <br />Have 15 minute segments spread throughout the meeting on topics such as: <br />- Voluntary Agriculture Districts /Smart Growth <br />- Golden LEAF (longer presentation when/if we are selected) <br />- Conservation Easements /Conservation Tax Credits <br />- County Obstacles and Solutions (What they need to know when starting a <br />business) <br />- A program such as Green Print that is being done by Triangle J. Establish a focus <br />group of farmers to determine areas in the County where it would be best to <br />preserve open space. <br />- Have a half. -day meeting instead of an all -day meeting. <br />- Program activities need to be something "Down on the Farm Practical ". It's hard to <br />get the farmers to come unless the topics are something very agriculturally oriented. <br />- Have the Agricultural Summit video taped and shown on the People's Channel. <br />