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DRAFT MEETING SUMMARY <br />AGRICULTURAL PRESERVATION BOARD <br />September 21, 2005 <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Elizabeth Walters, Louise Tate, Gordon Warren, Marty Mandell, Vickie Brown, James <br />and Patricia Wynn <br />MEMBERS ABSENT: Tony Kleese, Bob Strayhorn, Don Johnson and Whit Morrow <br />GUEST: Matthew Roberts, VAD candidate and Andrew Branan, North Carolina Farm Transition <br />Network <br />STAFF: Environment & Resource Conservation Director David Stancil, Preservation Planner Tina <br />Moon and Carol Melton, staff <br />ITEM #1: CALL TO ORDER <br />Stancil called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. as the Vice Chair Kleese was absent. <br />ITEM #2: CONSIDERATION OF ADDITIONS TO AGENDA <br />Stancil requested an addition to the agenda regarding the status of the APB Chair since RanelIs <br />vacated the position. <br />ITEM #3: APPROVAL OF MINUTES June 15, 2005 <br />Stancil entertained motion for approval of the August meeting minutes. <br />MOTION: Warren motioned approval of August 17, 2005 meeting minutes. Seconded by Wynn. <br />VOTE: Unanimous approval. <br />ITEM #3a: APB CHAIRMAN VACANCY <br />Stancil reported that even though Vice Chair Kleese had previously served two consecutive terms <br />as chair, the county commissioners' office ruled that he could continue to serve as the chair for <br />the remainder of the year as he did not succeed himself. It was also noted that Kleese could run <br />for chair position at the upcoming election. Another option, the APB could hold a special election <br />for a chair this fall to carry through until the regularly scheduled election time, in February. <br />Members discussed options for filling the chairman position for the remaining term of office and <br />agreed to ask Vice Chair Kleese to continue in the chairman role. <br />ITEM #4: SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS <br />a. Andrew Branan — North Carolina Farm Transition Network <br />Branan described the NC Farm Transition Network's mission - -to ensure that working farms <br />remain in agricultural production by connecting retiring farmers with aspiring farmers to ensure <br />that active farms will transition from one generation to another. Effective farm business <br />transitions require advanced and sustained planning, a process many farm families have yet to <br />undertake. <br />Branan said that it is equally important to help young or beginning farmers overcome the barriers <br />they face starting and operating a profitable farm business. These entering farmers need creative <br />equity building strategies to acquire land and equipment as well as management skills to run a <br />successful operation. Branan noted that the 2002 Census confirms that North Carolina's farm <br />community is aging. Since the late 1970s the average age of a North Carolina farmer has <br />steadily increased to about 56 years old. Roughly half of North Carolina farmers are over 55, and <br />about half that number are over age 65. These statistics point to an enormous transfer of farm <br />assets over the next two decades. If steps are not taken now to plan for their continued use, a <br />large amount of North Carolina's most valuable asset, land, will be permanently removed from <br />production. <br />DRAFT September 21, 2005 Agricultural Preservation Board Meeting Summary Page 1 of 3 <br />