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9 <br /> <br />• building on section B: this property has no access from Bright’s Way, and she is the <br />spokesperson for this Way; <br />• the proposed addition of 1000 square foot building, and other buildings that may be built <br />“as he determines for the enjoyment of the arboretum”. Mr. Fisher’s intent for the <br />arboretum is for it to serve as a community center for a housing development that the <br />present owner is putting in. <br />She said the original owner would not have wanted these changes, and she said the <br />current owner talked with her personally about his intent. <br />Vann Evans said this property is at the end of Marion Ford’s Road, and he has lived at <br />the end of this road since 1974. He said he and his neighbors do not want to see the proposed <br />changes. He said the present owner brought 400 acres adjacent to this property to build a <br />housing development. He said it is his opinion that they do not need this kind of development <br />on their rural road. He asked if Dr. Keith were here, what would he say? <br />Jo Vest said the neighbors need to have time to process changes in their neighborhood, <br />and they just heard about these changes about two hours before this meeting. She asked if the <br />Board would let the neighbors talk about this before any changes are made. <br />Chris Hagenberger said she has lived on Bright’s Way since 1990, and said section B <br />runs along Bright’s Way, and has a creek behind it. She said the only way the current owner <br />will be able to access his proposed maintenance building on section B is via Bright’s Way, due <br />to a creek being on the section of land. She said the only other option is to build a bridge <br />across the creek. She referred the owner’s request is too broad, and asked if the Board would <br />please table this item for now. <br />Susan Walser said she has lived in this community for 22 years, and has property <br />adjacent to the Keith property. She said the Keith Arboretum directly impacts many of the <br />neighbors. She said a big problem with this issue, is that the new owner is under the farm <br />exemption, and the arboretum is under this. She said these uses do not have to go through <br />special use permits process, neighbors are not notified, and there is no comment period. She <br />said Mr. Fisher makes requests and he changes the easements, and his requests are granted <br />such as “roamer”, people flying drones, walking their dogs, etc. She said the community wants <br />time to talk among themselves and with Board members. <br />Marilee McTigue asked the Board to protect Dr. Keith’s vision, and she seconded others’ <br />comments. She said the community needs time to digest all of this information, and to support <br />the original vision. <br />Commissioner McKee said he has the same concerns about this amendment as he did <br />with Triple Crown development. He said he reviewed the bullet points in the abstract, and said <br />he does not understand all of them. He said this conservation easement was set up for the <br />preservation of this property, and gets very nervous when changes are made because he can <br />see trouble further down the road. He said the Board should proceed with great caution on any <br />issue like this. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said he and a couple of commissioners met with Jeffrey Fisher <br />several months ago, and he spoke about making a park, with the County being the facilitator of <br />a multi hundred-acre park. He asked if this is the same area that is now being referred to as a <br />potential subdivision. <br />Commissioner Rich said she thinks this is the same piece of land, but she does not <br />remember a housing development being a part of the conversation. She said there is some <br />concern, and she would like to see a neighborhood meeting take place so that Mr. Fisher can <br />explain his vision and get everyone on the same page. She said it was her understanding that <br />the roamer is gone, and most of their conversation in the past was about educational purposes. <br />David Stancil said he has heard a lot of new things tonight, and staff will be glad to have <br />a neighborhood meeting. He said much of what has been voiced tonight is about other