Orange County NC Website
26 <br /> <br />Michael Harvey said the UDO does not establish a ratio, as this is a conditional zoned <br />process, it would have to come before the BOCC, to be reviewed with the Applicant. He said <br />the BOCC originally approved this amendment outline form to allow the staff to modify <br />allowable uses in the home park conditional zoning district. He said it was then determined that <br />with the density limits in Orange County, that a 50 acre lot size would not necessarily result in a <br />lot of mobile homes on a parcel of property within these low intensity watershed protection <br />overlay district areas. He said the Planning Director and Current Planning staff discussed the <br />issue, and opted to bump the minimal allowable acreage from 50 to 100 acres, which allows for <br />additional density for residential units, especially in those watersheds that are intended to be <br />low intensity. <br /> <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Price, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve a modification to a previously approved Amendment Outline Form (AOF) and re- <br />approve process/schedule components for a proposed text amendment to the Orange County <br />Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). <br /> <br />VOTE: UNANIMOIUS <br /> <br />f. Board of Commissioners - Chatham Orange Joint Planning Task Force <br />The Board considered appointing Commissioner Barry Jacobs to the Chatham Orange <br />Joint Planning Task Force. <br /> <br />Commissioner Price asked who is serving on this task force now. <br />Commissioner Rich said that the same three people that were serving: Commissioner <br />Marcoplos, Commissioner Rich and Commissioner Jacobs, who will continue to serve going <br />forward, just in different slots. She said Commissioner Marcoplos will now be the Go Triangle <br />representative, and Commissioner Jacobs and Commissioner Rich will be the Orange County <br />representatives. <br /> <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Price, seconded by Commissioner Burroughs to <br />approve appointing Commissioner Barry Jacobs to the Chatham Orange Joint Planning Task <br />Force. <br /> <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> <br />a. Minutes <br />The Board approved the minutes from March 20, 22 and April 3, 2018 as submitted by the Clerk <br />to the Board. <br />b. Fiscal Year 2017-18 Budget Amendment #8 <br />The Board approved budget and capital project ordinance amendments for fiscal year 2017-18 <br />for the Department of Social Services; Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks and <br />Recreation; Department on Aging; Orange County Food Council; and Library Services. <br />c. Application for North Carolina Education Lottery Proceeds for Chapel Hill – Carrboro <br />City Schools (CHCCS) and Contingent Approval of Budget Amendment #8-A Related <br />to CHCCS Capital Project Ordinances <br />The Board approved an application to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction <br />(NCDPI) to release proceeds from the NC Education Lottery account related to FY 2017-18 <br />debt service payments for Chapel Hill – Carrboro City Schools (CHCCS), and to approve <br />Budget Amendment #8-A (amended School Capital Project Ordinances), contingent on the <br />NCDPI’s approval of the application, and to authorize the Chair to sign.