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14 <br /> <br />on behalf of the staff. He said should this situation arise, then outside counsel would be <br />retained. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said a county attorney was added to the BOA meetings as <br />developers were bringing their own attorneys to the BOA meetings. He said having an attorney <br />present is a good thing. He said the issue here is whether there should be recourse to the BOA <br />if it feels it requires or desires the additional support of outside counsel. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said he does not want to spend the extra money to have outside <br />counsel at every BOA meeting, and he feels that the County Attorney’s office does a good job; <br />however, the BOA should be given the opportunity to request outside counsel if it deemed it <br />necessary. <br />Chair Dorosin said there some things already being put in motion to improve the BOA <br />process: <br />• Recording BOA meeting <br /> <br />Bonnie Hammersley said she received quotes from the Clerk for the recording team at <br />the Whitted facility, and she will be recommending this as part of the FY17-18 budget for all of <br />the additional meetings. <br /> <br />• Access to public records on line <br />John Roberts said last session, the General Assembly passed a law changing the way <br />cities and counties can respond, and have that response be compliant with the law. He said he <br />began working with the IT Director to post almost all public records requests on line, and the <br />final process is being drafted now. He said once this is done, they will be able to get this <br />started for countywide responses to public record requests. He expects this process to be <br />completed in a month or two. <br />Chair Dorosin clarified that if one makes a public records request, the response to the <br />request will be posted on line so that not only the requestor can access them, but all of the <br />public may do so as well. <br />John Roberts said yes, there will be about a 10 day turn around between a request <br />being made and online access to view the response. <br /> <br />• Training for BOA members upon joining the BOA <br />John Roberts said Professor Owens has a webinar series, which includes: “Conducting <br />an Evidentiary Hearing” and “Making a Quasi-Judicial Decision”. He said both of these are <br />available to the BOA. <br />Craig Benedict, Planning Director, said a full year of access to the webinars was <br />purchased in December 2017. He said these are interactive webinars for either the BOA or <br />Planning Board. He said new members go through an orientation, including rules of procedure, <br />by laws, and a review of county created brochures. He said access to these webinars will be <br />helpful. <br /> Chair Dorosin thanked staff for all its efforts on these different topics. He said the <br />question of outside counsel remains. He asked if Commissioner McKee wanted outside <br />counsel at all cases, or if he would prefer to follow the lead of the Town of Chapel Hill where <br />independent counsel is hired when necessary <br />Commissioner McKee said he would like independent counsel retained for all cases. <br /> <br />A motion was made by Commissioner McKee to retain outside counsel to represent the <br />Board of Adjustment in all matters coming before it. <br /> <br />Dies for lack of a second