Orange County NC Website
9 <br /> <br />long time. He said there were two different answers as to whether there is money in the <br />building for those services. He said he thought this was decided a long time ago. He asked if <br />it is or is not in the cost of the building. <br />Travis Myren said all of the support services are in the facility, but the Sheriff is talking <br />about building unsecured spaces in the facility, to serve clients who would never have reason <br />to be booked into the jail, or be held in a secure setting. He said the Sheriff is talking about <br />adding a section to the building for a non-secure space for people experiencing a mental <br />health issue, or someone who is extremely intoxicated, to receive a rapid turn around of <br />services/hand off to an appropriate service provider. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if this is opposed to receiving psychiatric or social <br />services within the jail. <br />Chair Dorosin said the social and mental health services for incarcerated inmates are <br />part of the plan in place, as supported by the plans of the Justice Advisory Council. He said <br />this idea of unsecured spaces would be more of a respite service, and it is not in the current <br />budget. <br />Commissioner Rich asked if there is a way to build the new detention center within the <br />current budgetary parameters. <br />Sheriff Blackwood said this is a question for the design team, now that the site location <br />has been secured. He said there has been no decision made about what the building will look <br />like, and thus bed numbers are not final at this time, but going under 144 beds would be a <br />horrible mistake. <br />Bonnie Hammersley said she supports the Sheriff regarding design, but there are other <br />flex spaces throughout the facility. She said as the designer looks at this, there may be an <br />opportunity to create the unsecured/respite space. She said the cost that she is <br />recommending will get a 144-bed facility. <br />Commissioner McKee said he highly endorses the idea of going with the additional <br />respite services, and would recommend shifting monies for the parks office space to fulfill this <br />need. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if the federal prisoners fit into the calculus. <br />Sheriff Blackwood said before the price change occurred, this was possibly going to be <br />pulled off the table; but the numbers coming up make this a topic for additional discussion. He <br />said his position is as long as it is beneficial to Orange County first, and to the Marshal service <br />second, then it is worthy. He said this can be a worthwhile partnership for the County to have, <br />and he would encourage the BOCC having a discussion about it. He said he will follow the will <br />of the Board, but he believes the County’s involvement with Federal Marshal service is a good <br />thing right now. <br />Chair Dorosin asked Bonnie Hammersley if the BOCC will have these conversations <br />about the number of beds in the facility, partnering with the Marshal Service, etc. <br />Bonnie Hammersley said these conversations should take place now. She said her <br />recommendation for the 144 beds was made with the understanding that as the need grows <br />locally, then the federal inmates would slowly go down. She said the current average daily <br />population is 126, with less than half being federal inmates. She said she thought the 144-bed <br />discussion had been held, because a designer was hired, and he has done most of the design <br />work. She said the original site was lost, but she did not think this changed the desired <br />number of beds. She said the only time she would expect expansion is when the number of <br />local inmates exceeds 144. She said she does not see this number getting that high for a long <br />time, due to the focused efforts of the Criminal Justice Resource Department and other <br />partners. <br />Chair Dorosin said this discussion did occur regarding this previous site, but all of these <br />questions seem to be back on the table with this new site.