Minutes 04-10-2018 CIP
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 04-10-2018 CIP
Entry Properties
Last modified
3/11/2019 2:53:44 PM
Creation date
5/8/2018 11:19:11 AM
Meeting Type
Budget Sessions
Document Type
Agenda Item
5/1/18; 8-a
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Agenda - 04-10-2018 Budget Work Session CIP
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2018\Agenda - 04-10-2018 Budget Work Session
Agenda - 04-10-2018 Item 1 - Discussion of Manager’s Recommended FY 2018-23 Capital Investment Plan
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2018\Agenda - 04-10-2018 Budget Work Session
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15 <br /> <br />Chair Dorosin said he does not think there should be any delay in spending the housing <br />bond money. He said he hoped the Board would continue to fund affordable housing, and he <br />asked if there was going to be a $1 million in the budget this year. <br />Bonnie Hammersley said no. She said there is $2 million already in the budget that has <br />not yet been spent, although some of it has been obligated. <br />Chair Dorosin said he would like to push this money out, and the Board has to balance <br />priorities all of the time. <br />Commissioner McKee said he does not want this to be delayed indefinitely, rather for <br />just 6 months to a year. He said he did not mean the County would cut back on its support for <br />affordable housing. He said he is just worried that the public perception will be that the County <br />will offer $2.5 million every year. <br />Commissioner Marcoplos asked if a realistic timeline is known. <br />Travis Myren said RFPs could be issued in the fall, and wait until January to award the <br />projects. He said, alternatively, staff could wait for RFPs in January 2019 and award projects <br />in June 2019. <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said he thinks this would be a reasonable gamble, and the <br />Board could spend half of the money as quickly as possible, and hold the other half to see if <br />there can be any leverage of funds. <br />Travis Myren resumed the presentation: <br /> <br />• Sheriff’s Office Body Worn Cameras - $300,000 (page 52) <br />Project Description/Justification: Funding of $300,000 in FY 2018-19 would equip Sheriff <br />Deputies with body-worn cameras. Body-worn cameras will allow deputies to better document <br />evidence while increasing accountability and transparency. Studies on the use of body-worn <br />cameras by law enforcement indicate that incidents of use of force decrease as do the number <br />of complaints filed against officers. <br /> <br />FY2018-23 Recommended Capital Investment Plan <br />Policy Priorities <br />• Sheriff’s Office Body Worn Cameras - $300,000 (p. 52) <br />o Successful Pilot Project – Report in February 2018 <br />o Integrated with Portable Radio Project – Reallocated Funds <br />o 75 Body Camera Units <br /> <br />Commissioner Rich asked if the $300,000 is for equipment only. <br />Sheriff Blackwood said it is for both the purchase of the equipment and the storage for <br />3 years. <br />Commissioner Rich asked if the number of deputies could be identified. <br />Sheriff Blackwood said there are 162 total employees, and this process will be phased <br />in to determine who receives cameras, and in what order. <br />Commissioner Rich asked if there is a new contract every three years for data storage. <br />Sheriff Blackwood said cost negotiation will be completed every three years. <br />Travis Myren resumed the presentation: <br /> <br />• Community Centers - $100,000 (page 71) <br />Project Description/Justification: The Efland Cheeks Community Center is located adjacent to <br />Efland Cheeks Park and Efland Cheeks Elementary School. Due to the limitations of <br />expansion potential for the existing 1992 building, funding is proposed for FY 2018-19 to <br />examine the Center’s needs and facility options to meet those needs. Pending the outcome of
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