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DocuSign Envelope ID: ACF53DOB- DE31- 493C- AC79- 4B38761278A7 <br />17 <br />The Orange County Risk Management Policy shall not apply to construction contracts for <br />amounts over $250,000. The terms of these General Conditions related to insurance shall be <br />the sole authority governing insurance requirements for such contracts. <br />ARTICLE 6. OTHER RECORD DOCUMENTS AND SUBMITTALS <br />6.1 The Designer shall furnish to the Contractor the number of copies of Drawings and <br />Specifications stated in the Contract Documents. Additional copies of Drawings and <br />Specifications may be obtained at the cost of reproduction and handling. <br />6.2 The Contractor shall submit to the Designer all Submittals required by the Contract <br />Documents. The Contractor shall submit at least three (3) reproducible prints of all shop <br />drawings. The Contractor shall submit samples in quantities required by the Contract <br />Documents. The Contractor shall submit product data in at least five (5) copies. All shop <br />drawings shall be reviewed by the Contractor and shall bear the Contractor's stamp of approval <br />before being forwarded to the Designer. Submittals shall be submitted in such time as to cause <br />no delay to the Work or any part thereof and in accordance with the Contract Construction <br />Schedule and Submittal Register. The Designer shall review the submittal with reasonable <br />promptness, noting desired corrections, if any. The Designer shall retain two (2) copies of the <br />submittal and shall return the balance of the reviewed submittal to the Contractor for action. The <br />Contractor shall furnish any corrected submittal to the Designer. The Designer shall retain two <br />(2) copies of the corrected submittal and will return the balance of the reviewed submittal to the <br />Contractor. All substitutions prior to the receipt of bids shall be in accordance with the Contract <br />Documents. Refer to Instructions to Bidders, Substitutions. <br />The Contractor acknowledges that the processing of shop drawings and other submittals is <br />directly impacted by the clarity, completeness, and accuracy of said documents and that it is the <br />Contractor's responsibility to (i) review and coordinate each submittal with all other related or <br />affected Work and (ii) approve each submittal before submitting same to the Designer for <br />approval. <br />6.3 No substitutions and no deviations from any requirement of the Contract Documents shall <br />be deemed allowed unless the Contractor has specifically informed the Designer and the Owner <br />in writing of such deviations at the time of submittal and the Designer and the Owner have given <br />written and specific approval to the substitutions or deviations. In proposing a deviation or <br />substitution the Contractor warrants to the Owner, notwithstanding any review, allowance or <br />approval by the Designer or the Owner that the deviation or substitution is at least equal to or <br />better in quality and for the purpose intended, and that Contractor shall not by reason of any <br />such review, allowance or approval be relieved from any obligation or responsibility contained in <br />the Contract Documents. <br />6.4 Review of submittal by the Designer shall not be construed as relieving the Contractor from <br />responsibility for compliance with terms or designs of the Contract Documents nor from <br />responsibility for errors of any sort in the submittal. <br />6.5 The Contractor shall keep one record copy marked "As- Built" of all Specifications, Drawings, <br />Addenda, Modifications, and Submittals at the Project in good order and annotated at least <br />monthly to show all changes made during the construction process. Such monthly annotations <br />Revised 10/17 <br />