Orange County NC Website
WA <br />justice and equal opportunities. Three middle schoolers and three high schoolers <br />were recognized for their essays. <br />The HRC sponsored a Town Hall on June 8, 2017 with the Hate Free Schools <br />Coalition, titled "The Confederate Flag: Does it belong in Our Schools ? ". The <br />meeting was an effort to provide an opportunity for education, discussion, and <br />understanding to address the growing tension as a result of Confederate flags <br />being allowed in Orange County public schools. Several panelists with varying <br />points of view spoke and residents were also given an opportunity to ask <br />questions and make their own statements on the issue. The event was very well <br />attended and was an opportunity for residents to voice their opinions on a <br />prominent community issue. <br />List of Specific Tasks, Events, or Functions Performed or Sponsored <br />Annually. <br />1. Provide proclamations recognizing Human Rights Week, Human Rights Day, <br />and the Bill of Rights Day in December of each year, Human Relations Month <br />in February, Fair Housing Month in April, and Women's History Month in <br />March. <br />2. Organize and sponsor the annual Human Relations Month Forum. <br />3. Organize and sponsor the Annual Pauli Murray Human Relations Awards <br />Ceremony. <br />4. Coordinate the annual Fair Housing Poster Contest and Human Relations <br />Essay Contest. <br />5. Coordinate the Community Read program. <br />6. Respond to residents' requests for feedback /support regarding various social <br />justice issues. <br />7. Study and make recommendations to the BOCC regarding social justice <br />issues as well as other human relations matters. <br />Describe this board /commission's activities /accomplishments in carrying <br />out BOCC goals) /priorities, if applicable. <br />The HRC's annual events and conversations carry out the BOCC's underlying <br />values for all of their goals including "bridg[ing] diverse cultural populations and <br />values" and focusing on "social justice values ". Specifically, the HRC encourages <br />communication and understanding across all cultures and values within Orange <br />