Orange County NC Website
23 <br />• Continue conducting Speaker Presentations and Community <br />Dialogues to address affordable housing concerns and options that <br />will help to increase the supply and meet a range of needs. <br />• Participate in a joint session with other Affordable Housing Boards <br />in the County. <br />Participate in a meeting with Orange County Local Government <br />Affordable Housing Collaborative. <br />What are the concerns or emerging issues your board has identified for the <br />upcoming year that it plans to address, or wishes to bring to the Commissioners' <br />attention? <br />• The need for additional training for OCHA Board members given the <br />changing dynamics in the public housing sector. <br />• The need for better communication across all organizations that <br />focus on affordable housing matters. <br />• The need for enhanced communication and engagement between <br />landlords, utility services, the County and the HCV Program. <br />• The need for additional trainings and workshops to build and /or <br />enhance the self- sufficiency of HCV participants. <br />• The need to further enhance collaboration not only between the <br />governing bodies and non - profits but also between departments <br />within the County and local jurisdictions. <br />