Orange County NC Website
WA <br />The OCHA Board works closely with the Affordable Housing Advisory <br />Board and also shares an interest in the work of the Orange County Human <br />Relations Commission. In addition, several members on OCHA's Board <br />also serve on boards of other housing organizations in the County. <br />In addition, the OCHA Board plans to work with the newly expanded and <br />renamed Orange County Local Government Affordable Housing <br />Collaborative, as well as share input and insight with the County as it <br />relates to mobile home park closures due to re- development activities, <br />which has become a growing community issue in Orange County. <br />If your board /commission played the role of an Element Lead Advisory Board <br />involved in the 2030 Comprehensive Plan preparation process, please indicate <br />your board's activities /accomplishments as they may relate to the <br />Comprehensive Plan's goals or objectives. <br />(The Element Lead Advisory Boards include: Planning Board, EDC, OUTBoard, <br />Commission for the Environment, Historic Preservation Commission, Agriculture <br />Preservation Board, Affordable Housing Board, Recreation and Parks Advisory <br />Council) <br />►I[_1 <br />Identify any activities this board /commission expects to carry out in 2018 as they <br />relate to established BOCC goals and priorities. <br />If applicable, is there a fiscal impact (i.e., funding, staff time, other resources) <br />associated with these proposed activities (please list). <br />• Continue participation in landlord engagement events and activities <br />in an effort to increase landlord participation in the HCV Program. <br />• Work with staff to increase HCV participants utilization of the <br />voucher for homeownership opportunities. <br />• Continue educating County residents and the BOCC on the changing <br />landscape for Housing Authorities, various new regulations and their <br />ramification on the County's Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) <br />Program. <br />• Participate in an Affordable Housing Tour to note impact of work <br />undertaken and changes in need. <br />• Assist in the formulation of the Consolidated Plan /Annual Action <br />Plan Update. <br />