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21 <br />submission to HUD. <br />• Continue participation in landlord engagement events and activities <br />in an effort to increase landlord participation in the HCV Program. <br />• Continue participation in OCHA's events and activities sponsored to <br />help build HCV participants' self- sufficiency. <br />• Work with staff to increase HCV participants utilization of the <br />voucher for homeownership opportunities. <br />• Continue educating County residents and the BOCC on the changing <br />landscape for Housing Authorities, various new regulations and their <br />ramification on the County's Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) <br />Program. <br />• Ongoing advocacy on behalf of low income individuals and families <br />in need of sustainable housing solutions. <br />Describe this board /commission's activities /accomplishments in carrying out <br />BOCC goal(s) /priorities, if applicable. <br />The OCHA Board continues to provide oversight and accountability (on <br />behalf of the BOCC) to the US Department of Housing and Urban <br />Development (HUD) as it relates to the HCV Program, including ensuring <br />that complaints about the program are reviewed and responded to, as well <br />as being available to speak to and work with community groups who <br />advocate for housing programs and policies that benefit low income <br />individuals and families. <br />The tasks, activities and events described above and the other preceding <br />sections support the BOCC's Goal 1 and Affordable Housing Priority 1: <br />Goal 1: Ensure a community network of basic human services and <br />infrastructure that maintains, protects and promotes the well -being of all <br />County residents. <br />Priority 1: Providing decent, standard housing options for all residents <br />regardless of household income level. <br />Describe the collaboration relationship(s) this particular board has with other <br />advisory boards and commissions? <br />