Agenda - 05-03-2018 Item 1 - Boards and Commissions – Annual Work Plans-Reports
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-03-2018 Work Session
Agenda - 05-03-2018 Item 1 - Boards and Commissions – Annual Work Plans-Reports
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4/26/2018 3:24:47 PM
Creation date
4/26/2018 3:26:20 PM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda Item
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Agenda - 05-03-2018 Regular Work Session
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17 <br />funding, staff time, other resources) associated with these proposed activities. <br />Historic Resources Publication Project: The HPC will seek grant funds from private <br />foundations and individual donors to allow the HPC to partner with the Alliance for <br />Historic Hillsborough and the Town of Hillsborough to complete the manuscript for a <br />comprehensive book/publication documenting the historic resources of the Town and <br />County. (Fiscal impact: HPC will request $25,000 in County funds in FY 2018 -19 to <br />secure $25,000 in matching /challenge grants in 2018; HPC staff will provide project <br />support) <br />County Historic Marker Program: Develop guidelines and procedures for a proposed <br />Orange County Historic Marker program, modeled on several other successful county <br />marker programs. The goal is to create a County- sponsored system of attractive, durable <br />and informative roadside markers to identify important historic resources, places and <br />people for the educational benefit of the general public. A web site would be established <br />to allow for access to more in -depth information. Such markers will enhance other efforts <br />to promote heritage tourism in rural parts of the county. (Fiscal impact: 2018 -19: none; <br />the HPC staff will provide support to develop program guidelines) <br />• Designating Landmarks in Town ETJ's: Continue working with the various municipalities <br />to develop an interlocal agreement to govern the designation of historic landmarks within <br />the various town's ETYs. (No fiscal impact) <br />• Promote Landmark and National Register Programs: Increase efforts to promote the <br />Local Historic Landmark and National Register programs to eligible property owners, <br />working in cooperation with the Lands Legacy Program, to generate at least two new <br />landmark and /or National Register applications per year (No fiscal impact— funding <br />already budgeted for this in the Lands Legacy program funding) <br />What are the concerns or emerging issues your board has identified for the upcoming <br />year that it plans to address, or wishes to bring to the Commissioners' attention? <br />Rural Heritage Preservation Grants: The HPC hopes to create a "rural heritage <br />preservation grant program" to offer small incentive grants of approximately $1,000 to <br />$3,000 to owners who wish to repair their endangered historic resources. The focus will <br />be on the buildings that represent our agricultural heritage, such as diary barns, tobacco <br />barns, silos, corn cribs, and livestock barns. Other eligible types include log houses, old <br />schoolhouses and slave cemeteries. These resources help give Orange County its <br />special historic character. Such a program will help owners afford modest repairs that <br />could greatly extend the life of these resources, like new barn tin roofing or simple <br />structural repairs. The preservation of these historic resources will enhance the county's <br />efforts to preserve its rural character and will help efforts to promote agritourism and <br />heritage tourism. Any such incentives would require agreements with the property owner <br />stipulating ongoing protection of that resource, similar to the agreements used for the <br />VAD program. The HPC envisions seeking grants from foundations to match a small <br />amount annually from the County., to be able to offer a total of about $10,000 per year in <br />grants to multiple property owners. HPC staff would administer the program. <br />• Increase Diversity for Landmarks and National Register Properties: The HPC seeks to <br />broaden the diversity of the Local Historic Landmark and National Register programs to <br />encourage historic designations for sites of significance to the County's African - American <br />heritage and archaeological sites relating to the region's Indian culture. <br />
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