Agenda - 05-03-2018 Item 1 - Boards and Commissions – Annual Work Plans-Reports
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-03-2018 Work Session
Agenda - 05-03-2018 Item 1 - Boards and Commissions – Annual Work Plans-Reports
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Last modified
4/26/2018 3:24:47 PM
Creation date
4/26/2018 3:26:20 PM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda Item
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Agenda - 05-03-2018 Regular Work Session
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2018\Agenda - 05-03-2018 Work Session
Minutes 05-03-2018 Work Session
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15 <br />Describe this commission's activities /accomplishments in carrying out BOCC <br />goal(s) /priorities, if applicable. <br />Goal Two: Promote an interactive and transparent system of governance that reflects <br />community values. <br />Priority 7: Improve intra -and intergovernmental coordination, cooperation and collaboration. <br />(a) Work with Town of Hillsborouqh on: Joint land use planning approaches, policies/ <br />ordinances, and annexation, and Economic Development Districts. <br />The HPC is currently partnering with the Town of Hillsborough's Historic District <br />Commission on a joint project to publish a book documenting the historic resources of the <br />Town and County. The HPC and the Town worked together to establish a joint review <br />process for projects affecting cultural resources (2014). The HPC is also proposing a <br />process to allow for the future designation of historic landmarks located in the Town's <br />ETJ. All of these initiatives speak to Priority 7. <br />Goal Three: Implement planning and economic development policies which create a <br />balanced, dynamic local economy, and which promote diversity, sustainable growth and <br />enhanced revenue while embracing community values. <br />• Three of the HPC's major activities (Local Historic Landmark Program, inventory and <br />mapping of historic resources, and historic preservation education /public programs) help <br />to ensure that historic preservation continues to be an integral part of the planning <br />process to promote sustainable growth while respecting community values and the <br />treatment of historic resources. <br />Goal Five: Create, preserve, and protect a natural environment that includes clean water, <br />clean air, wildlife, important natural lands and sustainable energy for present and future <br />generations. <br />Priority 15: Complete stewardship and management plans for Lands Legacy. <br />The HPC has been actively involved in the stabilization and ongoing preservation work <br />for the historic buildings at the County's future park sites, with a special focus on <br />Blackwood Farm Park. Members have offered suggestions on potential new uses for <br />buildings that outlived their original purpose. The HPC is using the collective expertise of <br />its members and staff to advise in the repair and use of these important farm structures <br />and other County -owned historic buildings. <br />If your commission played the role of an Element Lead Advisory Board involved in the 2030 <br />Comprehensive Plan preparation process, please indicate your activities/ accomplishments <br />as they may relate to the Comprehensive Plan's goals or objectives. <br />(The Element Lead Advisory Boards include: Planning Board, EDC, OUTBoard, Commission for the <br />Environment, Historic Preservation Commission. Agriculture Preservation Board, Affordable Housing <br />Board, Recreation and Parks Advisory Council) <br />• The HPC provided extensive input into DEAPR staff's development of the Natural and <br />Cultural System Element of the Comprehensive Plan— specifically the chapter on Cultural <br />and Historic Resources. The HPC frames its annual work plan around efforts to implement <br />the objectives outlined in the Cultural and Historic Resources Chapter. <br />Obiective CRA: <br />Provide for the systematic identification of historic buildings, objects, districts, sites, structures <br />and archaeological sites. Update and improve these inventories at regular intervals. <br />• Completed a project to update the old 1992 -93 county -wide historic resources inventory <br />by obtaining federal grants through the State Historic Preservation Office in 2014 and <br />
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