Orange County NC Website
Commission for the Environment <br />environmental quality, many of which address objectives stated in the <br />Orange County Comprehensive Plan. <br />Identify any activities this commission expects to carry out in 2018 as they relate to <br />established BOCC goals and priorities. If applicable, is there a fiscal impact (i.e., <br />funding, staff time, other resources) associated with these proposed activities (list). <br />Lf <br />• Continue to plan for and prepare the 2019 State of the Environment report <br />• Continue to prepare articles on environmental issues of importance to Orange <br />County, including climate change, energy conservation, and other important topics. <br />• Recommend ways to reduce the County's "carbon footprint" and ways to implement <br />the County's Environmental Responsibility Goal (BOCC Priority #10) <br />• Participate in a County effort to identify and preserve important landscape corridors <br />that connect significant natural areas and open space (BOCC Priority #1) <br />• Co- sponsor the annual DEAPR photography contest (The Nature of Orange). <br />• Participate in the County's annual Earth Evening event. <br />What are the concerns or emerging issues your board has identified for the upcoming <br />year that it plans to address, or wishes to bring to the Commissioners' attention? <br />• Water Supply — Strive to educate county residents about their source of water, <br />especially those residents utilizing groundwater for their supply. <br />• Request the BOCC sign on to the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and <br />Energy, which includes committing to completing a greenhouse gas inventory within a <br />year. Upon signing, the committee will assist staff, as appropriate, with the associated <br />Greenhouse Gas inventory update and climate action planning. <br />• The CFE will continue to learn about environmental justice matters and incorporate <br />relevant information and considerations in the next State of the Environment report <br />(2019) and its other activities. <br />• Develop plan for researching potential environmental impacts of the rural buffer. <br />• Develop methodology for monitoring changes in forest cover /land cover in Orange <br />County and also tie into the "No Net Loss of Tree Canopy" petition. <br />4 <br />