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23 <br /> <br />Justice Resource Department, using an evidence-based pretrial risk assessment tool, ensuring 1 <br />the presence of defense counsel at first appearances, increasing opportunities for pre-arrest 2 <br />diversion, employing mental health professionals to work directly with individuals incarcerated at 3 <br />our jail to assess and refer to treatment in the community and continuing to collect data and 4 <br />measure performance on our efforts; 5 <br /> 6 <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Orange County Board of Commissioners 7 <br />hereby endorses the goals of 3DaysCount™; and 8 <br /> 9 <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Orange County Board of Commissioners strongly urges our 10 <br />state-level stakeholders and government leaders to apply to join the Pretrial Justice Institute’s 11 <br />3DaysCount™ initiative. 12 <br />This the 17th day of April 2018. 13 <br /> 14 <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Price, seconded by Commissioner Rich for the 15 <br />Board to approve the Resolution, and if approved, authorize the Chair to sign the Resolution in 16 <br />Support of 3DaysCount™ – A Nationwide Effort To Make Communities Safer And Ensure 17 <br />Better Outcomes For All By Applying Common Sense Solutions To Widespread Pretrial Justice 18 <br />Challenges. 19 <br /> 20 <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS 21 <br /> 22 <br />Commissioner Price asked for the Clerk to send both the proclamation and resolution to 23 <br />Legislative Delegation, and to also send the proclamation to the National Association of 24 <br />Counties (NACo) and the resolution to the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners 25 <br />(NCACC) and all 100 counties. 26 <br /> 27 <br />5. Public Hearings 28 <br />NONE 29 <br /> 30 <br />6. Regular Agenda 31 <br /> 32 <br />a. Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application – Triple Crown Farms 33 <br />The Board continued reviewing and taking final action on a request to modify a 34 <br />previously approved Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat application. 35 <br />Michael Harvey, Current Planning Supervisor – Planner III, summarized the abstract and 36 <br />information below: 37 <br /> 38 <br />STAFF COMMENT: At its April 3, 2018 regular meeting, the BOCC voted 3 to 3 on a motion to 39 <br />approve the requested modification. As a result of the tie vote, the request was technically 40 <br />denied. The BOCC then voted unanimously to bring the item back to the April 17, 2018 regular 41 <br />meeting so the full BOCC could re-review and take action on the request. 42 <br /> 43 <br />BACKGROUND: The request seeks to modify conditions associated with roadway construction 44 <br />within the Triple Crown Farms subdivision. Specifically, the applicant is seeking a modification 45 <br />to the County’s original approval, which required internal roadways to be constructed to NC 46 <br />Department of Transportation (NCDOT) public road standards. 47 <br /> 48 <br />STAFF COMMENT: As detailed during the April 3, 2018 BOCC regular meeting, the 49 <br />Triple Crown Farms Major Subdivision was originally approved by the BOCC on June 50