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10 <br /> <br />Chair Dorosin said this discussion did occur regarding this previous site, but all of these 1 <br />questions seem to be back on the table with this new site. 2 <br />Commissioner Jacobs said he would like to see a cost benefit analysis from the 3 <br />Sheriff’s perspective, if they looked at half as many federal prisoners in order to accommodate 4 <br />all the desired services. He said it would be harder go back and try to add services later on. 5 <br />He asked if it is the desire to have the optimal facility at the beginning, or later on. He said he 6 <br />is not pre-judging about the federal prisoners, but he would like to have the auxiliary/respite 7 <br />services, and now is the time to do it, not later. 8 <br />Commissioner McKee clarified that Commissioner Jacobs is saying to build to the 9 <br />optimal need for the next 30 years. 10 <br />Commissioner Jacobs said there have been previous discussions about pods. He 11 <br />asked if it would be preferable to knock off one pod, which would have been for federal 12 <br />prisoners, and take this money and space to have the auxiliary services now; or to keep the 13 <br />same level of federal prisoners. 14 <br />Commissioner McKee said his concern is that this facility needs to be built to meet 15 <br />Orange County needs for 2040. He said he wholly supports restorative justice, diversion plans 16 <br />etc., but as the County grows, so will the need for detention. He said he would suggest 17 <br />building it for 144 beds, including all support services, and add pods as needed. He said as 18 <br />the number of local inmates increases, the number of federal inmates will decrease. 19 <br />Commissioner Jacobs said to build all the core services at the beginning, with a simple 20 <br />design to add pods over time. He asked if they start with the assumption of x number of 21 <br />federal prisoners, or do they remove some of the federal prisoners to add items that are not 22 <br />currently included in the core services, such as the unsecured respite services. 23 <br />Chair Dorosin said he recommends starting with the number of Orange County 24 <br />prisoners, which is much less than 144. He said he would be in f avor of having it smaller, 25 <br />doing all of the work on diversion, and take the federal piece out of the picture. 26 <br />Bonnie Hammersley said will ask the designer to bring back options and economies of 27 <br />scale. She referred to a cost analysis for federal inmates, and said the County does not 28 <br />receive the full amount for these inmates, and the County is on a three-year fixed price 29 <br />agreement. She said the County subsidizes the federal inmates. 30 <br />Commissioner Marcoplos asked Sheriff Blackwood if he could give a quick overview of 31 <br />the federal inmates. 32 <br />Sheriff Blackwood said the federal inmates constitute a little less than half of the 33 <br />population, and Orange County is a good location between Durham, Greensboro and Raleigh 34 <br />to house these inmates while they are awaiting federal hearings. He said Travis Myren has 35 <br />done a comprehensive study on the cost analysis. 36 <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said federal inmates are basically waiting for hearings, and 37 <br />asked if the average length of stay could be identified. 38 <br />Sheriff Blackwood said it varies. 39 <br />Commissioner Burroughs asked Chair Dorosin if he could further clarify his feelings 40 <br />about the federal inmates. She said she understands he does not want the County to make 41 <br />money from them, but asked if he is concerned about people being jailed in general. She said 42 <br />the County has no control over who is assigned to federal prison. 43 <br />Chair Dorosin said he feels that the County’s detention center should be for Orange 44 <br />County detainees, and be built for the needs of the County, both from a financial perspective 45 <br />and a criminal justice perspective. He said building a bigger jail than is necessary is 46 <br />counterintuitive to what the County is trying to accomplish with its alternative services. He said 47 <br />there is incentive to use diversionary programs for first time offenders, if there are constraints 48 <br />in place regarding the size of the jail. He said this is consistent with trends across the country. 49