Orange County NC Website
Page 2 of 17 <br />C. The Property consists primarily of woodland and riparian habitats for a variety of <br />wildlife species of importance to the Grantor, the people of Orange County and the people of <br />North Carolina. The property is bisected by Panther’s Branch Creek and an unnamed tributary <br />stream, and includes approximately 800 feet of frontage on the East Fork Eno River upstream of <br />Corporation Lake and Lake Ben Johnston, both public drinking water supply reservoirs serving <br />the people of Orange County. It is a primary purpose of this Conservation Easement to protect <br />the quality of the surface waters in the Eno River and the natural wildlife habitat it supports. <br /> <br />To the extent practicable, the Grantor and Grantee wish to maintain the Easement Area <br />as woodland and riparian habitat for the native flora and fauna of the North Carolina Piedmont, <br />and to protect the quality of water running off from this land and into the Eno River, which river <br />has both conservation value and is a public water supply for residents of Orange County. <br /> <br />The grant of this Conservation Easement furthers said wish, and will serve the following <br />“Conservation Purposes,” as such term is defined in Section 170 (h)(4)(A) of the Code: <br /> <br />The Easement Area contains a natural area that has not been subject to significant <br />development, which provides a “...relatively natural habitat of fish, wildlife, or plants, or similar <br />ecosystem,” as that phrase is used in P.L. 96-541, 26 UCS 170(h)(A)(ii), as amended, and in <br />regulations promulgated thereunder. Specifically, the Easement Area is habitat for a variety of <br />native plants and animals known to inhabit the Upper Eno River Macrosite as described on <br />Pages 78-82 of the Inventory of the Natural Areas and Wildlife Habitats of Orange County, <br />North Carolina (2004), by the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program. <br /> <br />The Easement Area also includes land within a zone designated by Orange County as a <br />“critical area” of a protected water supply watershed fo r the Corporation Lake Reservoir and <br />Lake Ben Johnson Reservoir. Another primary purpose of this Easement is to protect the <br />undeveloped nature of the Grantor’s Property and, in doing so, help protect the high quality of <br />that drinking water supply serving the people of Orange County. <br /> <br /> The Easement Area also contributes to the open space and rural character of northern <br />Cheeks Township and the Upper Eno Protected Watershed, so classified in the Orange County <br />Zoning Ordinance. It is a further purpose of this Easement to help to protect the rural character <br />and open space of northern Cheeks Township. <br /> <br /> The natural and wildlife habitat resources of the Property, and its contribution to the <br />protection of the area water supply and rural character, and the other conservation interests <br />described herein are collectively referred to as the "Conservation Values" of the Easement <br />Area. <br /> <br />The Grantor and Grantee agree that the current uses of the Easement Area are <br />consistent with the conservation purposes of this Conservation Easement. The conservation <br />purposes of this easement, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, are also <br />32