Orange County NC Website
Historic Blackwood F¢rna -Interim Stew¢rdship Pl¢n (DRAFT) <br />that accessway blocked in conjunction with the landowner (Kenneth Strayhom), Public <br />Works blocked the opening with a guazdraih <br />To secure the farmhouse, ERCD maintains an alarm system that had been installed by the <br />previous owners. When that system is activated, a series of contacts are made to ERCD, <br />the Sheriff or the neazby 911 Center. <br />There have been some instances where people have entered the property and been found <br />by staff "just looking around" or fishing at the pond. Appazently, some people from the <br />area had been accustomed to entering the property (with or without the permission of the <br />elderly Blackwood sisters) to hunt, fish, or pick fruit from the orchard, <br />Since 2002, ERCD has used the Blackwood farmhouse as office space for as many as <br />three staff. That weekday, on-site presence has probably deterred some potential <br />trespassers, but there have still been occasions where people have entered the property <br />after hours or on weekends, The chain used to lock the gates has been cut two or three <br />times. The only theft occurred in 2004 when a piece of County parks maintenance <br />equipment that was being stored on the property was stolen from the garage, There have <br />been no other known break-ins or theft from the property. <br />Farmhouse Repairs <br />Several needed repairs were made to the farmhouse in 2002-0.3 by the Public Works and <br />Information Services deparhnents to make it suitable for ERCD as temporary office <br />space, The electrical system needed some new wiring and receptacles to bring it up to <br />code, The heating and air conditioning systems were replaced, which also required a <br />stonemason to repair a basement wall, Finally, a new computer server and wiring were <br />installed to link the temporary offices in the house to the County's computer network, <br />Groundskeeping <br />Beginning in 2002 ERCD contracted out the seasonal grounds keeping within the <br />farmstead area. From April to October the grass is mowed and trimmed around the house <br />and outbuildings. ERCD staff regularly picks up downed tree limbs and debris from <br />around the house. Staff workdays were held in 2002 and 2003 to rake and haul away <br />leaves from azound the house, [In 2004, however, the contractor picked up the leaves.] <br />A neighboring farmer, Mr, Bob Strayhorn, has tended to the agricultural fields for at least <br />two decades. When the County acquired the property in 2001, the purchase contract <br />specified that Mr, Strayhom would be allowed to harvest the next season's hay from <br />about 50 acres that he tended for the Blackwoods for many years, Since then, Mr, <br />Strayhorn has continued to mow the hay twice annually in exchange for assistance and <br />advice on upkeep matters and providing "another set of eyes" on the property, Mr, <br />Strayhorn has a special relationship with the property, having spent much of his youth on <br />Blackwood Farm and learning about farming from Herbert Blackwood, He helps watch <br />over the property and is a source of useful guidance for its upkeep, Following storms, Mr. <br />Strayhorn removes tree limbs that often fall into the fields from the surrounding forest, <br />including several hours of cutting and hauling after Hurricane Isabel. He informed the <br />