Orange County NC Website
Historic Blackwood Farm -Interim Stewardship Plon (DRAFT) ~a <br />the buildings, particularly the farmhouse, will likely require significant renovation work <br />once the future use of the property is determined. All of the buildings- the existing <br />farm buildings as well as any potential new buildings constructed for future uses-will <br />require along-term maintenance plan, The dam for the pond will also require regular <br />monitoring and maintenance in accordance with NRCS guidelines. <br />Site Clemiup <br />There aze a few neat piles of tires, old farm equipment and other materials located just <br />inside the forest east of the orchard. There are also some scattered fence posts and old <br />wire that will need to be removed prior to the site being opened for public use, <br />Forest Management <br />The NC Forest Service and a consulting forester have recommended that Qrange County <br />consider "thinning" the 20-acre loblolly pine plantation located northwest of the pond and <br />another 10-acre pine stand west of the pond. Those trees were planted over 25 yeazs ago <br />and thinning is long overdue, The pines are overcrowded; cutting some trees would <br />enable the remaining trees to grow larger and allow the growth of ground vegetation. No <br />action will be taken without Board input and authorization, <br />Exotic Species Removal <br />A few areas on the property have invasive exotic species that should be managed <br />properly. They are Japanese grass (Microstegium vimineurn), Privet (Ligustrum spp.), <br />Tree-of-Heaven (Ailanthus altissima), and Multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora), ERCD has <br />discussed the potential control and/or removal of those species with trained personnel <br />from the NC Botanical Garden and Cooperative Extension. <br />3. Uses of Blackwood Farm <br />A. Current Uses of the Propert~(since acquisition) <br />The following uses of the property have occurred since the County's acquisition of the <br />Blackwood property in December 2001: <br />- ERCD satellite offices (3 positions) <br />- Recreation and Parks equipment storage (formerly -now moved) <br />- Hay production from 50 acres <br />- Agricultural Heritage Festival / Festiva] of the Autumn Moon (Sept, 2003) <br />- Blackwood family farewell dinner (June 2002) <br />- Eagle Scout project (construction of chimney swift house neaz pond) <br />- Sheriff's office training exercises <br />- NC Forest Service training exercise <br />B. Possible Future Uses <br />Blackwood Farm was acquired for a future park site that would feature the historic <br />farmstead (e.g., exhibits, fazm demonstrations) and some ]ow-impact recreation areas <br />