Agenda 8-a - Minutes
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Agenda - 05-01-2018
Agenda 8-a - Minutes
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4/26/2018 2:27:40 PM
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4/26/2018 2:26:36 PM
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24 <br /> <br />Chair Dorosin asked if there is an update on this park, and any land that is being 1 <br />considered. 2 <br />David Stancil said there is a complicating factor that would make this park attractive on 3 <br />another front, and he will send this information out to the Board. He said staff is just in the 4 <br />process of having conversations as this point. 5 <br />Commissioner Price referred to Phase II improvements, and asked if these need to be 6 <br />completed right now. 7 <br />David Stancil said this park is in the preliminary design stage, and part of that process 8 <br />is assigning costs. He said typically the park projects that get completed are the ones that the 9 <br />County can afford. 10 <br />Commissioner Price said Phase II is listed in the next fiscal year, and includes 11 <br />interpretive signage, picnic areas, and community garden, etc. She asked if these items are 12 <br />included in the $1.79 million. 13 <br />David Stancil said these are included in that total. He said Phase II has a Part A and a 14 <br />Part B. He said Part A includes the road, parking, turn lane, etc., and Part B includes the 15 <br />amenities. 16 <br /> Commissioner Price asked if staff wants to have these amenities completed next year. 17 <br /> David Stancil said if the amenities are not completed, there will be a lot of new 18 <br />infrastructure, and nothing other than trails and a small picnic shelter. He said there is also a 19 <br />Phase III in year 5. 20 <br />Commissioner Price asked if staff would please itemize the portions of Phase II. 21 <br />David Stancil said he can give general costs, or more specifics via the RFP for the 22 <br />design and engineering work, which will be available this summer. 23 <br />Commissioner Jacobs said at the Upper Eno Nature Preserve, the County signage 24 <br />says, “no camping”. He said he thinks the Board should specifically ban fires on County 25 <br />properties, unless someone has a specific permit from the County to camp there, e.g. the boy 26 <br />scouts. 27 <br />Commissioner Jacobs referred to the Northeast Park, and said language on the signs 28 <br />needs to be updated. 29 <br />Commissioner Jacobs said a condition to buying this property was that it could not be 30 <br />used for a landfill, and this should be made known more widely. 31 <br />Travis Myren resumed the presentation: 32 <br /> 33 <br />Parks, Open Space, and Trail Development 34 <br />• Mountains to Sea Trail - $110,000 (page 65) 35 <br />Project Description/Justification: The Mountains to Sea Trail (MST) is a part of the N.C. State 36 <br />Parks system and would connect by trail the Great Smoky Mountains with the Outer Banks. 37 <br />Funding was provided in FY 2016-17 for the initial phase of this project, acquiring and 38 <br />constructing the trail segment from Occoneechee Mountain State Natural Area to the County’s 39 <br />Upper Eno Nature Preserve (Seven Mile Creek Nature Park). Funding appropriated and 40 <br />proposed is for acquiring easements, initial trail construction of identified segments, with 41 <br />associated signage and fencing and any other privacy measures. The initial segment will also 42 <br />include some type of pedestrian crossing improvements over Interstate 85/40. Additionally, 43 <br />$110,000 has been moved from the Upper Eno Nature Preserve project to this project for FY 44 <br />2018-19 to build waystation facilities for the Mountains to Sea Trail (MST) at Seven Mile 45 <br />Nature Park. The second phase of the project is proposed for Year 2 and would address the 46 <br />segment of the MST from Buckhorn Road around and on the OWASA-owned lands at Cane 47 <br />Creek Reservoir, continuing to the Alamance County line. The third phase would be in Years 48 <br />7-10 and would complete the middle section of the trail from Seven Mile Creek to Buckhorn 49
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