Agenda 8-a - Minutes
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Agenda - 05-01-2018
Agenda 8-a - Minutes
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4/26/2018 2:27:40 PM
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4/26/2018 2:26:36 PM
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14 <br /> <br />o First Half ($2.5 million) Awarded in 2017 1 <br />o 53 Affordable Units Created 2 <br />o FY2018-19 Second Half ($2.5 million) 3 <br />o Request for Proposal Process and Revised Scoring Criteria 4 <br />• 2017 Affordable Housing Bond Projects – chart 5 <br /> 6 <br />Commissioner Price asked if any changes have been made to broaden who can apply, 7 <br />as she was disappointed with the number of applicants in the first round. 8 <br />Travis Myren said staff is reaching out to the Affordable Housing Coalition, and other 9 <br />provider groups, with as much information as possible. He said the first round had a quick turn 10 <br />around, and several providers did not have projects ready. He said this second round will be 11 <br />widely promoted. 12 <br />Commissioner Jacobs said he is skeptical about spending the remaining $2.5 million 13 <br />next year, and then having no funds for the foreseeable future. He suggested spreading the 14 <br />funds out over a longer period of time, as another bond will not be possible for some time. He 15 <br />said Orange County is leading the affordable housing community to the brink of a cliff, will 16 <br />jump off, and then have no money to do anything else. He asked if these funds should be 17 <br />phased over a period of years. 18 <br />Commissioner Rich asked if the County has a policy to look at minority women vendors 19 <br />first. 20 <br />Jeff Thompson said yes. 21 <br />Commissioner Rich asked if a copy of the policy could be sent to her, and if it is in need 22 <br />of any revision. 23 <br />Chair Dorosin asked if a copy can be sent to the entire Board. 24 <br />Commissioner McKee said he thinks the Board is setting itself up with the perception to 25 <br />the public that Orange County will provide a sizable amount of funds to affordable housing 26 <br />every year. He said he does not believe this will be possible. 27 <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said Commissioner Jacobs’ point is interesting, and asked if 28 <br />he thinks 2018 elections may change funding sources at the federal level. 29 <br />Commissioner Jacobs said yes. He said he talked with Congressman Price and if he is 30 <br />in the majority party, he will be the Committee Chair on housing, and there would be a direct 31 <br />line of communication through him. 32 <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said he would like to consider this proposal, and put it off 33 <br />temporarily to see what happens. 34 <br />Commissioner Burroughs clarified that the suggestion is that, with a more friendly 35 <br />Congress, the County’s money may be able to be used to leverage federal money. 36 <br />Commissioner Jacobs said yes, as is done with Lands Legacy funds. He said it is 37 <br />possible that the tax credit may come back in a future budget, and using these funds over two 38 <br />years, as opposed to one, may allow for some more flexible opportunities to garner federal or 39 <br />state housing dollars. 40 <br />Commissioner Burroughs said it would be logical to hold the funds until January 2019, 41 <br />leaving them in the CIP, and make a final decision at that time. 42 <br />Travis Myren said staff could schedule a check in with the Board of County 43 <br />Commissioners in January 2019, as opposed to just issuing the bonds. 44 <br />Commissioner Price said she is concerned for those who are in need of housing, and 45 <br />asked if staff could find out if all of the units that were built are now occupied. 46 <br />Commissioner Burroughs said only two Empowerment rentals are occupied, and 47 <br />everything else is yet to be built. 48 <br />Commissioner Price said if units are immediately occupied upon completion, she would 49 <br />take this is an indication of the need for affordable housing. She said it is her recollection that 50
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