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25 <br />FFY 2018 Annual Action Plan Orange County HOME Consortium <br />2. Summarize the objectives and outcomes identified in the Plan <br />This could be a restatement of items or a table listed elsewhere in the plan or a reference to <br />another location. It may also contain any essential items from the housing and homeless needs <br />assessment, the housing market analysis or the strategic plan. <br />The goal of the Orange County HOME Program is to improve the quality of life for County <br />residents by retaining and increasing the supply of affordable housing units for both owner <br />occupants and renters and by providing homeownership opportunities for low- and moderate - <br />income residents. During the FFY 2018 CDBG Program Year, the County proposes to address the <br />following priority need categories identified in its Five Year Consolidated Plan: <br />Housing Priorit <br />There is a need to improve the quality of the housing in the County by increasing the <br />amount of decent, safe, sound, and accessible h in homeowners, renters, and <br />homebuyers that is affordable to low- and moderat come per and families. <br />Goals /Strategies: <br />• HS -1 Housing Rehabilitation e to ide financial assistance to low- and <br />moderate- income homeowners el a h it existing owner- occupied housing. <br />• HS -2 Housing Constru Incr e supply of decent, safe, sound, and accessible <br />housing that is aff able low- d moderate - income owners and renters in the <br />County through bilit buildings and new construction including mixed <br />design and mixed in developments that incorporate affordable housing options. <br />• HS -4 Ho hi ssist low- and moderate - income households to become <br />home ers by p idin down payment assistance, closing cost assistance, and <br />housing seling tr ing including Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher holders. <br />• HS -6 Perma sing - Support the development of permanent affordable housing <br />options for you adults and other single individuals starting careers and families with <br />members in modest paying professional careers (such as teachers, service works, and <br />medical assistants), including creating and non - traditional affordable housing options in <br />design (amenities, size, and cost) and that provides for more affordable units and an <br />asset in communities. <br />To meet the need of affordable housing the Orange County HOME Consortium is funding <br />housing rehabilitation, homeowner downpayment assistance, and acquisition and rehabilitation <br />of rental housing units. <br />Homeless Priority — <br />There is a need for housing and support services for homeless persons, and persons who are at <br />risk of becoming homeless. <br />OMB Control No: 2506 -0117 (exp. 07/31/2015) 17 <br />