Orange County NC Website
12 <br />FFY 2018 Annual Action Plan <br />Orange County HOME Consortium <br />It is estimated that there are approximately 1,600 owner and renter occupied housing units that <br />are suitable for rehabilitation work in Orange County. However, the cost of rehabilitation <br />exceeds the income and assets of many low- and moderate- income persons. Therefore, many of <br />these housing units will remain vacant and or, in substandard, deteriorating conditions since the <br />financial resources are not available to rehabilitate the housing units. There is a need for <br />increased local, State, Federal, and private funds to provide financial assistance to lower income <br />families to rehabilitate properties for more affordable housing. <br />In addition, 21,663 housing units (38.38 %) were built before 1980, and therefore have a <br />potential to be a lead -based paint hazard. For Orange County, it is estimated that 15% of low or <br />moderate income families living in owner - occupied units are at risk of lead -based paint hazards <br />and that 25% of low or moderate income families living in rental units are at risk of lead -based <br />paint hazards. <br />There is a lack of affordable housing for the very -low income in Orange County. Unfortunately, <br />there are no new funding sources for permanent hoing that replaces Public Housing to meet <br />the housing needs of the very -low income. The Coluhty should encourage and support private <br />and non - profit development entities to build <\more _L(HTC high quality affordable housing <br />developments throughout the County, especially iwthe'urban areas (though in urban areas cost <br />and the lack of available land make this - almost prohibitive). Therefore, opportunities for infill <br />development and acquisition and or rehabilitation in these areas should be encouraged to meet <br />affordable housing needs and opportuhities %for access to transportation, services and <br />employment. <br />Orange County has approximately - 100 registered mobile home parks that are spread <br />throughout the County. These'parl<s vary in quality, size, amenities, and condition of the mobile <br />homes in each mobile home\park.''Many of these mobile home parks are in poor condition. It is <br />estimated that " there are approximately 2,017 mobile home units in these parks. These units <br />account for most�of\the affordable housing in Orange County. Of these units: 378 (18.74 %) are <br />in sound condition ;'99Q ,(49:08%) are in need of minor repairs; 580 (28.76 %) are in need of <br />major repairs; and 69 (3:42%) are economically infeasible to repair. <br />The areas impacted with cost overburdened households are located in and around the urban <br />areas of the County. These areas contain the largest concentration of employment opportunities <br />and public and private amenities, but lack affordable housing. <br />The urban areas of the County have the most public and community facilities. These areas also <br />contain the majority of available public transportation. The urban neighborhoods contain many <br />of the County's employment opportunities and existing housing stock. However, these areas are <br />cost prohibitive for low- and moderate - income persons. <br />Orange County has a community health clinic and a County Health Department clinic that <br />provides dental and health services, which are relatively inexpensive. The County is also served <br />by the UNC Hospital System and the Duke Hospital System. However, there is still a need for <br />OMB Control No: 2506 -0117 (exp. 07/31/2015) 4 <br />