OUTBoard minutes 032118
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange Unified Transportation Board
OUTBoard minutes 032118
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Last modified
12/27/2018 3:47:53 PM
Creation date
4/24/2018 3:26:13 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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OUTBoard agenda 032118
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Approved 4/18/18 <br />Heidi Perry asked how one would access the materials.AbigailePittman answered that one would go to Orange 169 <br />County’s website and click on the Planning Department and then the Transportation section. 170 <br />171 <br />Heidi Perry asked if it is searchable. Abigaile Pittman answered that she thinks it can be made searchable. 172 <br />173 <br />Heidi Perry said Carrboro has a video for new advisory board members about servingon an advisory board. Abigaile 174 <br />Pittman said she will pass that along to community relations. 175 <br />176 <br />Alyson Westsaid she wonders whether there isa place to explain wheremost funding comes from in orderto give 177 <br />readers some idea of scale or proportions of funding.Abigaile Pittman said she and Nish Trivedi discussed that and 178 <br />determined those proportions cannotbe estimatedbecause they change.179 <br />180 <br />Alex Castro suggested explaining where in the project or funding process the county is month by month. Nish Trivedi 181 <br />said that is a very challenging question because state and federal funding cyclesare not aligned.182 <br />183 <br />Alex Castrosaid Orange Countyonly has 1 out of 24 votes on the Burlington-Graham MPO. It is important for people 184 <br />to understand that. AbigailePittmansaid there are changes taking place. The Technical Coordinating Committee 185 <br />(TCC)subcommittee is looking at how projects are scored and how we can collaborate regionally. 186 <br />187 <br />188 <br />AGENDA ITEM 6:INFORMATIONAL ITEMS189 <br />There were none. 190 <br />191 <br />AGENDA ITEM 7: Staff Updates192 <br />193 <br />AGENDA ITEM 7A:MPO/RPOAND NCDOTUPDATES (NISH TRIVEDI)194 <br />Nish Trivedisaidhe will be bringing an update of all Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) in one update that 195 <br />will include how Orange County is influencing and shaping the MPO’s decisions and how the MPOsare affecting 196 <br />Orange County.He summarized the updates given on Page 51 of the agenda packet. 197 <br />198 <br />Abigaile Pittman added that she was told at the Burlington-Graham MPO meetingthat 6.0 will be a trial period with 199 <br />three years between processes. Nish Trivedi said he has not heard that.200 <br />201 <br />Nish Trivedi said Triangle Area Rural Planning Organization’s (TARPO’s)draft Fiscal Year 2019 Unified Planning 202 <br />Work Programis ready for public comment and so is the Burlington-Graham MPO’s.203 <br />204 <br />Heidi Perry asked how people would know that it was time to comment because she follows TARPO communications 205 <br />and has not seen anything. Nish Trivedi will look into it. 206 <br />207 <br />Nish Trivedi noted an attachment contained updates on North Carolina Department of Transportation(NCDOT) 208 <br />updates.209 <br />210 <br />Abigaile Pittman said a traffic light will be installed at Buckhorn Road and U.S. 70 by early May. HeidiPerry asked if 211 <br />the signal would be tripped by a bicycle. Abigaile Pittman will check because it was not mentioned. 212 <br />213 <br />Heidi Perry asked if there are anyother projects staffwantsto call to the board’sattention. 214 <br />215 <br />Abigaile Pittman noted the fencing was installed on Orange Grove Road Bridgeover Interstate 40.216 <br />217 <br />Art Menius asked about the bridge on U.S. 70 east of Hillsborough. 218 <br />219 <br />Brantley Wells said a temporarybridge will be builton the north side of U.S. 70tomaintain traffic while theold bridge 220 <br />is replaced.221 <br />222 <br />Abigaile Pittman noted Graham is about to grow rapidly, which may affect traffic in Orange County.223 <br />224
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